A project on Criminal Justice

Running head: Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
This study highlights the research aim and objectives along with the importance of
issues in ethics and morality of criminal justice. The aim of the research is to understand the
importance of ethics and ethical standards as well as morality in criminal justice departments.
The fight for anti-terrorism has become a rising concern in the modern era as traditional
methods adopted by law enforcing agencies are unable to combat the terrorist attacks in the
region. Ethical code of conduct mainly adheres to the legal principles and professional
principles, and the various perspectives of right and wrong are decided by those principles.
The ethical concern in society deals with various aspects and notions which are related to the
concept of right or wrong in order to provide criminal justice. Moral values of the individuals
vary according to the cultural background of the individual and according to the society
where that individual resides. In this scenario, it will be difficult to maintain standard rules
and regulations for all the citizens in the state. Ethical code of conduct is essential to abide by
the rules and regulations of the country. Positivism philosophy along with deductive
approach and descriptive design has been followed in this research. The researcher has
gathered information related to morality and ethics in criminal justice departments from
different literary sources.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Research questions ........................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research Rationale ........................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 7
2. Literature Review................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Critically analysing importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice ......................................... 9
2.4 Critically analysing the Importance of Morality in Criminal justice ............................. 11
2.5 Critically comparing the need of Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice .................... 11
2.6 Gap in Literature ............................................................................................................ 13
2.7 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 13
3. Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Research Philosophy ...................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 14
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
3.4 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 15
3.5 Validity and Reliability of Data ..................................................................................... 15
3.6 Data Collection Method ................................................................................................. 15
3.7 Ethical Consideration ..................................................................................................... 15
4. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 15
Reference List .......................................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 19
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
1. Introduction
This chapter sheds light on research aim and objectives along with the importance of
issues in ethics and morality of criminal justice.
1.1 Background
Ethics in relation to criminal justice is essential to provide justice without being
biased and serve the community. The ethical code of conduct is essential in order to maintain
a positive work environment, as well as law officers, will deter to use corrupt practices to
give justice (3 ways ethics influence criminal justice, 2019). Enhancement in the ethical
relation is essential to develop faith in the lawmaking body and to abide by rules and
regulations. Morality is considered as the beliefs and values that are essential to abide by an
ethical code of conduct.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
The aim of the research is to understand the importance of ethics and ethical standards
as well as morality in criminal justice departments.
Objectives of the research are as follows:
To understand the importance of ethics in the criminal justice department
To understand ethical standards in the criminal justice departments
To understand the importance of morality in criminal justice departments
To compare the importance of ethics and morality in the criminal justice department
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
1.3 Research questions
Q1. What is the need for ethics in the criminal justice department?
Q2. What are the ethical standards that are being followed by criminal justice departments?
Q3. What is the need for the moral code of conducts in delivering criminal justice?
Q4. What is more essential moral or ethics to deliver criminal justice?
1.4 Research Rationale
The issue related to ethics and morality is related to the rise of anti-terrorism and the
rising demand for criminal prosecution of officers whose actions result in death or injury to
citizens of the country.
The fight for anti-terrorism has become a rising concern in the modern era as
traditional methods adopted by law enforcing agencies are unable to combat the terrorist
attacks in the region. Criminal prosecution of officers whose actions resulted in the death of
civilian in the state has become a rising issue related to the enforcement of human rights (3
ways ethics influence criminal justice, 2019).
Issue related to combating terrorism is has become a matter of concern due to lack of
upgraded military tactics and training given to the officers. They have become the main
hindrance for law enforcement officers as proper training is not provided to combat with the
high powered weaponry and the guerilla war tactics that are being adopted by the terrorist
(Importance of ethical leadership in criminal justice, 2019).
The research sheds light on the need to provide training to the law enforcement
officers to combat terrorist and also need for advancement in the artillery and weapons that
are being used by the law enforcement officers. It is also essential to strike a balance between
human rights and the enforcement of the law. It is also necessary to protect the law officers’
rights while they are performing their duties (Morality and Criminal Law, 2019).
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
1.5 Summary
This chapter mainly highlights the aims and objectives of ethical standards that are
maintained by Law Enforcing agencies of the US. It also demonstrates the issues related to
the law enforcing agencies in the US and the need of the hour in order to address those issues.
It sheds light on the need for collaborating human rights and law forcing agency in order to
reduce the prosecution of the officers.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
This chapter will mainly highlight the importance of ethics and the ethical code of
conduct in the criminal justice system of the United States. It will also highlight the need for
morality in the criminal justice department. It will also critically compare the need for ethics
and morality in the criminal justice departments in the United States.
2.2 Conceptual Framework
Figure 1: Conceptual framework
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
(Source: Lacey, 2015, p.54)
2.3 Critically analyzing the importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice
The ethical concern in society deals with various aspects and notions which are
related to the concept of right or wrong in order to provide criminal justice. As opined by Bix
(2017), the ethical code of conduct is essential to check the bias and corrupt practices of the
officers that are engaged in law enforcement. According to Lacey (2015), ethical leadership
follows the process of trickling down method where this is followed by all the officers in the
hierarchical structure. This can be concluded from this that ethical code of conduct is related
to every individual and it can be best enforced if followed in hierarchical order. As
highlighted by Lacey (2015), it is essential to abide by the ethical code of conduct in order to
maintain law and order in society. In order to deliver criminal justice to people of society, it
is essential to follow the ethical codes as it protects the rights of the citizens of the
community. On the contrary, Fortin et al. (2016) argued that the community members
willingly collaborate with law enforcement officers if criminal justices are delivered to the
citizens without being biased and by following the rules and regulations.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
Figure 2: Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice
(Source: influenced by Fortin et al. 2016, p.640)
Ethical code of conduct mainly adheres to the legal principles and professional
principles, and the various perspectives of right and wrong are decided by those principles.
As opined by Bix (2017), it mainly adheres to principles that are related to the right or wrong
conduct. On the other hand, Harriss, MacSween & Atkinson (2017), argued that the ethical
code of conduct differs according to the situation in a various specific situation and its
uniform in nature. The uniformity in the ethical code of conduct cannot be applicable in all
situations. As individuals perspectives vary according to the culture and the society where
that individual resides. Thus, it can be analyzed that the ethical code of conduct which
follows standard legal and professional principles cannot be implied in all situations.
Ethics in
concern in
Ethical code
of conduct
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
2.4 Critically analyzing the Importance of Morality in Criminal justice
Morality is mainly related to the basic values and beliefs of the individuals who
provide them to determine the right and the wrong related to a particular situation. As
suggested by Fortin et al. (2016), morality is considered to be the basis of the judgments that
are being provided by the law enforcing officers. It aids in determining the strategies and the
tactics that can be utilized in a particular situation. On the contrary, Harriss, MacSween &
Atkinson (2017), argued that morality is essential to avoid a particular situation and also aids
in deters in getting involved in corrupt and malicious practices. This can be analyzed that the
moral code of conduct is essential to deliver justice to the citizens of the community and also
aids in avoiding the malpractices that are being adopted by the people.
Morality mainly related to the individual beliefs and values which is organic in nature.
As mentioned by Giorgini(2015), morality mainly shapes individuals perception related to the
right and wrong which is developed based on the experiences gained by that individual. On
the other hand, Harriss, MacSween & Atkinson (2017), argued that the perceptions of
morality of an individual are relative in nature. It means that the perception of right and
wrong varies with every individual. It becomes difficult to find a standard rule where all the
individuals of the community will agree to abide by the same rules and regulations. This can
be demonstrated that the morality based on the criminal justice procedure varies according to
law enforcing officers.
2.5 Critically comparing the need for Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice
Morals are essential in order to abide by the ethical code of conduct maintained by the
law enforcing agencies. As suggested by Harriss, MacSween & Atkinson (2017), individual
moral beliefs and the values aid in deciding the right and the wrong in relation to a particular
situation. Based on these individual values and believes it will aid the individual to abide by
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
principles related to an ethical code of conduct. On the contrary, Bosworth & Kellezi (2017)
argued that there are certain issues related to abiding by the moral code of conduct in a
particular situation.
Idealism and pragmatism are the continuous aspects which are related to criminal
justice in an interlinked way. As suggested by Teo (2015), the theory of ideology is mainly
related to the goals that believe in harmony and existence of the truth. The philosophy of the
idealism is related to the morals of an individual which encourages them to deter any
malpractices and also maintain harmony to maintain peace. It mainly highlights the five
concepts of morality that are related to knowledge and self-realization. Along with self-
realization it also includes the belief in deity and universe. According to this it also addresses
the concept of death and afterlife. As opined by Jennings, Mitchell & Hannah (2015), on the
contrary, the pragmatist mainly believes situations that are observable and that can be verified
based on the current situation. It mainly strives to follow the ethical code of conduct based on
the particular situation.
Ethical code of conduct is mainly related to the present situation of the individual is
living. As highlighted by Bosworth & Kellezi (2017), the guidelines that are being provided
in the ethical code of conduct can be applied in the specific situation and are only related with
the legal and the professional rules and regulations. On the other hand, Fortin et al. (2016)
argued that the moral values and beliefs of the individuals could be adopted in all the
situations and various aspects of life. It is not restricted to the legal and the professional
aspects; thus the perspectives of right and wrong can be applied in all situations in order to
make decisions. This can be demonstrated that the ethical code of conduct that is being
followed by an individual is only related to the legal and professional aspects in order to
deliver criminal justice to the citizens of the state.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
2.6 Gap in Literature
In this chapter, different information regarding the importance of an ethical code of
conduct and the way of relating to the theory of pragmatism has been discussed significantly.
Along with that, the morality of individual in criminal justice and its relation to the theory of
idealism have been discussed effectively. However, different influencing factors of increasing
criminal activities and person-centred activities for the purpose of maintaining morality have
not been demonstrated in the current chapter. Due to which, the certain gap has been created
between ethical justice and person-centred activities in the topic.
2.7 Summary
This study discusses ethical practice and morality in criminal justice along with
strategic idea related to pragmatism and idealism. It demonstrates morality which is organic
in nature and varies according to individual perspective.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
3. Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The chapter discusses positivism philosophy and deductive approach and descriptive
design. In addition to that, it illustrates the data collection method and different ethical
considerations at the time of conducting research.
3.2 Research Philosophy
Positivism philosophy assists in collecting positive and real-world based data related
to a specific topic. Along with that, it aids in gathering evidence-based data on the basis of a
certain topic. In the following research, the researcher has taken advantage of positivism
philosophy for the purpose of gathering evidence-based and real-world data related to
morality and ethics in criminal justice departments from all available options (influenced by
Kothari, 2004).
3.3 Research Approach
Deductive approach assists in gathering appropriate and most related information
from all available options. As opined by Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009), deductive
approach is the way of making a hypothesis on a specific topic and finding out most
influencing factors which are major aspects in case of completing research successfully. In
this particular research, the researcher has followed the deductive approach for the purpose of
making a hypothesis and gathering appropriate information based on ethics and morality in
criminal justice.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
3.4 Research Design
Descriptive design assists in describing the specific topic in a descriptive way so that
the reader can gather significant information regarding influencing factors and different
issues of a specific topic. In this research, the researcher has taken advantage of descriptive
design due to describing ethics and morality in criminal justice.
3.5 Validity and Reliability of Data
Valid data has been included in this research so as to increase its authenticity.
3.6 Data Collection Method
Secondary data collection method has been followed by the researcher for gathering
existing information related to ethics and morality in criminal justice from different literary
sources such as journals and books.
3.7 Ethical Consideration
As per the Data Protection Act 2018, maintenance of confidentiality of important
information is essential for avoiding data theft (Data Protection Act 2018, 2019).
4. Conclusions
Thus, it can be concluded that the moral values of the individuals vary according to
the cultural background of the individual and according to the society where that individual
resides. In this scenario, it will be difficult to maintain standard rules and regulations for all
the citizens in the state. Thus it can be analyzed that the ethical code of conduct is essential to
abide by the rules and regulations of the country. Ethical code of conduct follows a standard
guideline and the principles that are uniform in nature for all citizens.
Morality and ethics in criminal justice departments
Reference List
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