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A Reflection on Gender Roles in the Modern Society
In “Motherhood and war” Dr. Loadenthal discusses the roles played by men and women
in the Islamic society, which are similar to the positions we have covered already. Although
gender equality remains a severe problem in some countries, Loadenthal demonstrates how
mothers have become influential in the society.
First, the significant role that echoes what we discussed previously that women are taking
up the positions previously thought to be men's. For long, the society perceives and portrays men
as superior and robust hence they are identified as heroes. Accordingly, Loadenthal argued in the
same line by stating that Palestinian men are tasked with bearing weapons and planning attacks
on soldiers (Cooper and Phelan). Here, the man is not just perceived as the head of the family but
also takes the additional role of protecting his family and community at large.
Another thing that relates to points covered earlier on is the role occupied by boys. Like
the men, boys are also tasked to engage in war and violence. For instance, they toss rocks at
Israeli personnel and soldiers’ vehicles. Loadenthal portrays them as crucial participants in the
war and violent activities.