outsider. I am now able to blend in without having to worry about feeling different. This has
helped with my confidence and my esteem too. I am even more confident about my studies
now than I was before. I am even a better performer in class. I think that confidence goes
hand in hand with success (Qicheng, 2017). When you are confident, you do not give up on
something until it works how you want it to work.
I also had a problem making a good friend. I consider a good friend as someone we
share opinions or who we are of a like mind. I had a problem getting a friend who is as
focused as me and who had goals so that we can encourage each other. Some of the friends I
had made, we were very different. Most preferred to study when the exams are close and the
rest of the time they are out and about enjoying themselves. I felt I was not fitting in at all. I
felt like a spectator in most of the things they did because I could not do them. Even our
conversations felt odd because I never liked the things they liked to talk about. I committed
myself to socializing more so that I can develop meaningful relationships that could help
shape my life in school and outside. Through socializing I was able to make some good
friends. We are able to study together, have meaningful conversations and build each other. I
learned that even in future, for me to succeed I must be able to foster friendship with people
whom we have common interests with. If I become friends with people who are different
from me, then somehow their differences might affect me negatively.
Through the various activities and projects I have participated in class and outside the
class, I have learned so many things. I have learned about team leadership and teamwork. I
learned that a leader is responsible for the success of a team. The leader determines if the
group is going to succeed or to fail. I understood that a leader is responsible for setting goals
and deciding which way that those goals can be achieved. Through this, I was able to learn
that even in real life, I am a leader of my life. I require to make goals and find a way of
achieving them. Since then I no longer just go to class for the sake but I usually set goals for