(Rocca, Kimport, Gould, & Foster 2013). Studies also show that women induce abortion through
unsafe measures particularly in restrictive states like Texas where more than 100,000 women in
that state attempt abortion outside clinical settings (Jerman, Jones, & Onda, (2016). According to
the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, 21.6 million women experience an unsafe
abortion worldwide with 47,000 maternal deaths from complications of unsafe abortion each
year. By taking away the reproductive choice of a woman it keeps her at a financial advantage
and takes away the freedom of choice. According to Sep. 2005 survey in the peer-reviewed
Perspectives on Sexual and reproductive Health 42% of women having abortion were below the
federal poverty line, 73% could not afford having baby and 38% thought giving birth would
interfere with their education and career goals (Guttmacher Institute, July 2014. Finer, Frohwirth,
Dauphinee, Singh & Moore, 2005). Therefore, I believe a baby should not come into the world
unwanted since it is an important decision that requires a lot of consideration, preparation and
Options for resolving the issue.
Politicians play a critical role in resolving this issue. By supporting programs like
Planned Parenthood, and by providing free birth control, sex education and emergency
contraceptives we could decrease the abortion rate without taking away the freedom of privacy.
Abortion is an issue that results from lack of planning, lack of education, non-use of
contraceptives and unaffordable contraceptive /birth control services. According to a study
substantial number of women wanted to stop or delay childbearing but didn’t have access to the
contraceptive supplies and services, his was due to the lack of knowledge, fear of side effects and
social and familial disapproval (Bongaarts & Bruce 1995). However, due to education, which
brings awareness, contraceptives are no longer considered unsafe that causes health issues.