Acid, Base in our Body
The essay is concerned with the fluid in our acidic essential which will be explained in more
detailed and differentiating the types of fluid in our bodies. The article also aims at analyzing the
mechanism which assists in the balancing the fluids in our bodies.
Extracellular fluids comprise of one –third of the remaining water and mark all the body fluid
outside the cell in our bodies. Also, it consists of interstitial, intravascular and transcellular fluid.
The intravascular and interstitial fluid are little alike in the proportion, but interstitial fluids lack
the plasma proteins. The transcellular fluids consist of small functional fluids which are pleural
fluid, intraocular fluid, peritoneal fluid and digestive juices. The extracellular fluid initially
allows the solute balance between the inner and outer of the cell and in mammal’s body, they
absorb water from the environment.
The intracellular fluid is made up of two-third of the water in our bodies, and it found inside the
cells. The fluid is mostly comprised of cytosol and organelles which make cytoplasm. However,
it has quantities of magnesium and sulphate ions. The differences between the two fluids are that
the components of the extracellular differ from the intracellular, on another hand sodium is the
primary cation in the extracellular followed by the anion of chloride and bicarbonate while in the
intracellular phosphate anions and proteins are found in the cell. The establishment of fluid
balance in our body is maintained by the extracellular in volumes and osmolarity which
eventually influences the intracellular through the membrane barriers surrounding the cells in our
The acid-base balance is an imperative in our bodies because they assist in the survival of cells.
Therefore, in our bodies, the acids release the hydrogen ions which are more required by the