An interview with James (not the real name). James is a neighbor and friend aged
eighteen years and is also a student. I assured James of confidentiality before administering the
interview questions. The interview questions were designed in line with the adolescents’
developmental stages of physical, social, physiological and cognitive domains.
1. What changes have you been able to notice in your body?
“I have realized that I have grown hairs in my armpits and private part. Some friends are
telling me that my voice is heavy. I have noticed pimples on my face. I have suddenly found
myself admiring girls. When I see them I feel like I need them, I get an erection.”
2. What do you do when you get these sudden liking for girls?
“It is difficult for me. Sometimes I talk to them though I fear because most of them turn
me down. Some other time I allow the feeling to calm down.”
3. Have you kept or maintained all of your close friends? Who are your friends now?
“I have a few of my friends, but I have also made new ones. The ones I dropped asked
me to join them in forming a bully group. My new friends are boys we met in the
Christian union group. I like them because they have helped me to overcome some
challenges. I have also started associating with girls more than before.”
4. You have said that some girl turn you down. How do you feel about it?
“At first I was feeling very sad, very inadequate, very undeserving, in fact I felt disabled.
There is one lady who caused me depression so much that I could not eat. With time I
came to realize it is normal, some accept to talk to you, others are just very friendly while
are just difficult (Brown, 2015).”
5. If you compare your performance in school now and some years back, do you notice
any difference?