Advantages of Recycling
Recycling generally involves converting disposed wastes to new and more useful materials.There are
several examples of wastes that can be recycled such as products made from metals and plastics.These
wastes may make similar products or new and improved products. Metals,for example maybe melted
and used to make metal water tanks,construction materials and kitchen ware such as
knives,spoons,forks and frying pans.As Joseph(2017) puts out in his book Cleaner and Greener
Environment, the recycling of wastes helps in making an environment clean.
Dr. Maera (2009) says that recycling benefits or advantages are more than the disadvantages. One of
the advantages of recycling of wastes is that it helps to reduce pollution, both air and water.Most of the
materials which could be harmful for example to water living organisms such as fish are instead recycled
preventing the endangerment of these organisms. It also reduces air pollution as most of the materials
for example plastics which could have been burnt causing air pollution are safely recycled preventing the
emission of harmful gases to the air.
Another advantage of recycling is that it helps in keeping our environment Clean and free from wastes
on our lands.This is achieved by regular collection of wastes from our environment followed by safe
delivery of the wastes to recycling companies. These recycling companies need manual labor hence they
act as a source of employment to many unemployed people especially youths who get a place to earn a
Lastly,recycling helps to prevent global warming which may result from gases such as nitrogen emitted
from many heaps of uncollected garbage.