between 18 years and 54 years. However no one between the age of 35 and 44 years was
interviewed (Nickerson & Camiciottoli, 2013). Those interviewed were graduates,
undergraduates and high schoolers from both public and private schools.
From the survey it was found out that 61% of the people interviewed prefer
advertisement done in both Arabic and English. 25% prefer English while 14% prefer Arabic
commercials. 17% of those interviewed had basic knowledge of English while 44% and 40%
had intermediate and advanced knowledge of English respectively. When asked whether the
advertisement language affected their intentions to buy products, 27% responded in the
affirmative while 25% said no. 48% however agreed that sometimes the language affect their
intention to buy. 44% of the people interviewed had no difficulty with commercials done in
both languages while 35% and 21% had difficulties with commercials done in English and
Arabic respectively. 44% of the people interviewed had no difficulty with commercials done
in both languages while 35% and 21% had difficulties with commercials done in English and
Arabic respectively (Mahboob & Elyas, 2014).
From the above discussion it is evident that a great proportion of the Emirati community
is comfortable with both English and Arabic languages. As such it is in order to use both
English and Arabic in the new advertising campaigns that are targeted at the Emiratis. Better
still the similar advertisements should alternate between English and Arabic instead of having
the two languages on a single advertisement board (Nickerson & Camiciottoli, 2013). This is
because the advertisement will be appealing to more than 90% of the Emiratis as those who
have difficulty with English will get the message in Arabic and vice-versa. Also having the
advertisements in Arabic will easily click with the Emiratis as they will feel special and