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Advertising Techniques
Advertising is the process of creating awareness and entails application of techniques
such as repetition, association and claims for the purpose of capturing market attention. These
techniques will be outlined in the essay below with examples provided to foster a deeper
understanding of the subject.
The process of mentioning the name of a product in the course of advertising is aimed at
reminding consumers of important issues raised in the awareness program. For example, the
Apple advertisement of its MacBook is done in such a way that customers are informed about
key features that make the gadget outstanding in the market. Through, repetition advertisers are
able to create the required sensitization among consumers who have different preferences. The
repetition technique of advertising has become common in the modern marketing landscape
deemed highly competitive.
The association approach of advertising takes the shape of connecting a given product
with various interests such as popular people in the area of sports and fashion. According to
experts, this model of advertising ensures that customers develop a personalized connection with