Alcohol versus Marijuana

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Alcohol versus Marijuana
Over the past decade, the rate of consumption of both alcohol and marijuana has
increased by a significant percentage. The prevalence of both substances among underage
children is a cause for alarm for both the law makers and parents. Despite legal measures placed
to reduce teens from accessing both alcohol and marijuana, both are still the main ingredients in
parties and other recreational activities the youths common among the youths. However, the
youths are not the only market for weed or pot, slang for marijuana, since even older adults use
marijuana despite it being illegal. This paper will analyze the health benefits and strains,
relationship with crime, legalization and what the future hold for alcohol and marijuana.
Health issues associated with Alcohol and Marijuana
Research indicates that both drugs are beneficial to users’ health when used in small
amounts. A survey conducted in the US, indicates that 69 percent of Americans believe that
alcohol has more dangerous effects as compared to marijuana. Only 15 percent thought
marijuana was more harmful than alcohol. Moreover, scientists and health professional
recommend a glass of alcohol per day due to its ability to prevent pre and post- menopausal
breast cancer. Consumption of a glass of alcohol per day also reduces the risks of heart diseases
and stroke. Similarly, marijuana users have the same health benefits, in relation to heart-attack
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and stroke, like the moderate consumers of alcohol. In the United States, alcohol is only legal for
21years and above. However, recent research indicate that most of the alcohol consumed by the
Americans, underage teens form a significant percent of that population.
Several states in the United States have legalized the use of marijuana for instance
Colorado and Washington states. The legalization was due to the public amending the policy that
considered marijuana as an illegal substance (Ghosh et al. 25). However, even the states that
consider marijuana illegal, grant people with clinically proven need for marijuana as a pain
reliever (Cohn et al. 83). Chronic pain, migraines and patients in palliative care often use
marijuana as a sedative. Moreover, some countries use marijuana in operating theatres both as
euthanasia and a sedative.
Despite the health benefits mentioned above, both alcohol and marijuana are also harmful
to our health, behavior and cognition. Excessive consumption of alcohol is increases the risk
several types of cancers like mouth and liver cancer. The advancement of alcohol related
breathing problems are still to be linked with its progressive nature to cancer of the liver. Binge
drinkers are predisposed to gain which may leady to obesity. Moreover, the metabolism of
alcohol interacts with active drugs a person may be talking as a prescription. This explains why,
many prescription drugs prohibit the patients from consuming alcohol while on medication.
Alcohol reduces or increases the amount of the active drug in the body thus inhibiting its
effectiveness in treatment.
Additionally, researchers found that approximately 88,000 deaths are recorded from
alcohol induced problems. These problems range from car accidents, alcohol related diseases and
cancers. Moreover, scientists record that a person can die after five minutes of binge drinking as
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compared to the chances of over smoking marijuana. As compared to the alcohol related deaths
mentioned earlier, marijuana has zero recorded deaths from overdose. The chances of alcoholics
forming a dependency on the substances are higher than those of bhang and so is the level of
crime rates associated with drinking. Alcohol impairs the nerves and stability of a person while
at the same time increasing the rate of risky behavior. As a result, many alcoholics report to
sustain permanent body injuries and risky sexual behavior while drunk. Furthermore, a
significant percentage of alcoholics suffer from anxiety, memory loss and depression.
Both alcohol and marijuana affect the health of unborn babies when pregnant women
consume either of the two. These children are often born underweight, premature and sometimes
with under developed brains which predisposes psychiatric issues later on in the baby’s life
(Volkow et al. 2222). In extreme cases, still births are experienced. The US has placed strict
laws for mothers with a drug problem where social services take the baby away from the mothers
immediately after birth as these women are considered unfit to care for their children.
Marijuana increases the blood pressure and heart rate of a person though no severe cases
are recorded but these effects have a long term effect on the health of the person. Teenagers who
smoke bhang increase the onset of psychiatric disorders. The most common psychiatric disorders
induced by bhang include psychosis and schizophrenia (Nguyen-Louie et al. 741). A person
clinically diagnosed with the two disorders is addicted to the drugs before the onset of the
disorder (1). Moreover, cannabis use affects the thought process and cognitive or brain
development. As a result, students who use cannabis are poor in school as the drug inhibits
learning and paralyzes their memory. Inability to excel in class leads to dropping out of school
after which the person have to fend for themselves by any means they make money. The
aftermath translates to high we shall discuss further in the paper.
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Legal system versus alcohol and marijuana
Legalization of any substance is done after in depth research on its benefits, side effects
and damages that it may cause upon consumption. Laws controlling alcohol consumption are
already in place. The effective of these laws are in question especially in the US, where teenagers
consume a huge percentage of the total alcohol produced in the country. However, alcohol is
illegal for people under the age of 21 or 18 depending on the constitution of a given country. In
many countries, marijuana is considered as illegal and harmful to the society. However, drug
cartels still find a way to smuggle the substance into the country and sell to both children and
adults without raising any suspicions from the law enforcers.
The DEA in America has recorded a lot of cases where people are arrested either selling,
buying or in possession of drugs. However, some states in the US, Colorado and Washington
have legalized marijuana making it accessible both for pleasure seeking people and those who
use it as a sedative. The rest of the states consider it a federal crime to be found in possession of
marijuana without the permit for medicinal use. The relationship of marijuana and crime is subtle
in Colorado despite allowing marijuana usage. Therefore, legislators should legalize the
substance as a way of controlling its availability in the market. Amendments to the prohibiting
policies will also help regulate drug cartels and gangs that cause violence and murders while
managing their drug business.
Why Marijuana frowned upon as compared to Alcohol
Approximately 15% of the American population considers marijuana as more harmful
than alcohol. The societal perception and traditions accept alcohol despite the effects it has on
the population. As a result, marijuana users are faced with disapproval and opposition from
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family, friends and neighbors (Capaldi et al. 97). Since drugs are associated with immorality and
risky behavior which violates societal norms, marijuana is therefore disapproved more than
alcohol. The primitive idea that alcohol is more like a beverage condemns marijuana as a
harmful drug despite its medicinal properties. Recently, the society is accommodating about the
use of marijuana due to the comprehensive research done on both the effects on cannabis and
alcohol. The comparison of pros and cons of both drugs made it easier to understand that alcohol
more dangerous that the condemned bhang.
Crimes committed by alcohol and marijuana users
Dependency on drugs accounts for over 30% of violent crimes committed in the US.
According to the DEA, most cases that lead to incarceration have offenders who tested positive
on drug and alcohol tests (Maier, Suzanne and Emily 136). As a result, the US prisons are full of
drug related offenders. According to research, areas occupied by drug cartels gang members
record high rates of homicides, murder, rapes and armed robberies. Moreover more than half of
the reported cases of domestic violence in the US were committed while either one or both
spouses were under the under the influence of alcohol.
Conversely, the steamed sensation experience from the use of cannabis reduces the
aggression and violence in a person instead of triggering violence. Instead crime associated with
marijuana use arises when the user lacks the means to feed his dependency on the drug.
Imminently, they resolve to robbery and mugging (Akers 1). Additionally, alcoholics and addicts
may sell their own properties without the consent of their spouses result to unstable and violent
relationships. Moreover, about 90% of violent crimes in colleges attribute to alcohol while 95%
of reported date rapes were perpetrated while drunk.
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Majority of juvenile delinquents arrested by the state justice department were committed
crime while under the influence of either a drug or alcohol. Since cannabis is more common than
any other drug, it is easily accessed by the juvenile delinquents in America. After interrogations,
the teens confess to being abusers and addicts of illegal drugs. About 1.9 million juvenile arrests
involved substance abuse and addiction ( 2). However, only 68,600 juvenile victims were able to
received substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation while the rest succumbed to the withdrawal
effects of their addiction to drugs.
What the future holds
The prevalence of alcohol and substance use is rampant in the current generation. More
so, are the effects both long term and short term? Following the legalization of marijuana in
some parts of the US will lead to other states and countries doing the same. Scientists are still
refining their research on marijuana’s benefits to humans and in ten years’ time given the
advanced technology, they will give on a conclusive report which will obviously lead to approval
of marijuana as a medical drug with side effects like any other sedative.
Moreover, the current trend of alcohol consumption among teens may lead to even easier
access to alcohol among teens if no law is put into place. However, education will comprise of
intensive drug awareness as a life skill. Every year scientists are discovering the relationship
between drugs and chronic illnesses. In future, they may be able to tell how the new drugs in
market will affect the health. Most importantly, both short term and long term effects of
marijuana and alcohol will have ways of controlling and or coping with these effects.
In brief, the public should acknowledge the fact that alcohol is as poisonous as marijuana.
The efforts put by scientists are commendable as they assist the society and the government to
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realize the health benefits of controlled use of both alcohol and marijuana. Contrary to popular
believe it is now clear that not all drugs cause violence and high levels of crime. Evidently,
legalizing marijuana will help control its supply and quality in the market. Debate about which
drug between alcohol and marijuana is a contentious issue which can only be solved by
comprehensive research.
1. For more information on effects of marijuana on health visit this
2. Further information on marijuana and alcohol related crimes visit
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Akers, Ronald. Social learning and social structure: A general theory of crime and deviance.
Routledge, 2017.
Capaldi, Deborah M., et al. "The relationships of parental alcohol versus tobacco and marijuana
use with early adolescent onset of alcohol use." Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs
77.1 (2016): 95-103.
Cohn, Amy, et al. "The association between alcohol, marijuana use, and new and emerging
tobacco products in a young adult population." Addictive behaviors 48 (2015): 79-88.
Ghosh, Tista, et al. "The public health framework of legalized marijuana in Colorado." American
journal of public health 106.1 (2016): 21-27.
Maier, Shana L., Suzanne Mannes, and Emily L. Koppenhofer. "The Implications of Marijuana
Decriminalization and Legalization on Crime in the United States." Contemporary Drug
Problems 44.2 (2017): 125-146.
Nguyen-Louie, Tam T., et al. "Effects of emerging alcohol and marijuana use behaviors on
adolescents’ neuropsychological functioning over four years." Journal of studies on
alcohol and drugs 76.5 (2015): 738-748.
Volkow, Nora D., et al. "Adverse health effects of marijuana use." New England Journal of
Medicine 370.23 (2014): 2219-2227.
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