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Alexander Hamilton vs Thomas Jefferson;
These two men were active in the Revolutionary effort and developing America. They
had not worked together till Washington Hamilton them to the government as secretaries to the
treasury and state respectively. From the beginning, they had opposing visions of America’s
path. This paper addresses the differences between Alexander's and Hamilton's vision and their
relevance today.
Hamilton has an economic plan that majored on the promotion of commerce and
manufacturers. On the other hand, according to Jefferson, America’s success depended on its
agrarian tradition (Howe 191). Hamilton did not trust the popular will and had a belief that the
federal government ought to wield significant power to lead to a successful course. However,
Jefferson trusted the governors to foster development.
Hamilton had a vision of having an economic plan for America to include a national
bank. The bank would maintain credit, consolidate the debts of the state under the federal
government and enact government subsidiaries and protective tariffs to promote American
manufacturers. Hamilton felt that these measures would make the federal government stronger at
the expense of the State government. However, Jefferson opposed these changes and thought that
the Bank had a lot of influence from Europe. Also, he argued that the Congress acted against the