Education condition is an independent variable, measured categorically for Certificate=1,
Diploma=2, and Degree=3. On the other hand, Economic status is the dependent variable and is
measured on an interval scale such as 11.0.
Analysis of variance was performed, each group having 2147 observations. The results of
the test were displayed in table 1.1 and table set 2.1 in the appendix section. Table 1.1 shows the
output of the ANOVA analysis and whether there is a statistically significant difference among
group means. Based on the results, the significance value is 0.019 p = .019), it is below 0.05,
F=25.031. Hence, there is a statistically significant difference in the mean of economic status
between person’s having different education condition.
In addition, a simplified interpretation of descriptive result, table set 2.1a confirms that
there is a mean difference in economic status among group of education condition. Degree
holders scored the highest mean, with certificate holder having the lowest mean. Results of
Multiple comparison in Table set 2.1c (appendix section), show that there is statistically
significant difference in economic status between the group that holds a certificate and
Diploma/Degree (p = 0.00), as well as between the Diploma and Degree (p = 0.019)
Table 1.1: Analysis of Variance :(Source: SPSS)