Analysising the impact of excessive online games on the educational development and socialdynamics of 11-17 year olds in the uk

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree (BA)
May 2017
Keywords and Definitions
Keywords: Addiction, school, UK studies, online, game, adolescents,
gaming addiction, excessive playing, social, psychological, criminal,
impact, family dynamics, Fantasy Role Playing (FRP), General
Aggression Model (GAM)
ONLINE GAMING - Gaming is the operation of specific applications
identified as electronic games, video or computer games on game
consoles, such as the X-box and PlayStation or on PC’s (known as online
gaming). The expression "gaming" started as an equivalent word for
"gambling" as a substitute while most online games, currently do not
comprise gambling in customary terms.
ADDICTION - At its inception, "addiction" simply means to "giving
over" or being "exceedingly dedicated" to an individual, action or
movement, or taking part in a conduct frequently, which could have
positive or negative ramifications.
DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Research Question:
Can online games be considered dangerous and addictive or do people simply have
addictive personalities?
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of this study will follow a pattern that allows for the following:
History of games and its use in the Navy
Defining the terms, ‘gaming’ ‘addiction’ and ‘excessive.'
The psychological effects and possible dangers of online games
Research into the causal relationship between excessive playing and addiction
symptoms and evaluation
Distinguishing addiction and high engagement into the context of online game
The psychological perspective will delve into research already carried out, such as:
Mental health and emotional well-being of players
Health & safety within the online social environment
Policies and legislations
Critical Analysis
Researching and compacting findings from questionnaires, case studies, and
relevant sources to give a conclusion.
SECTION ONE Introduction
Video games have become the main attraction for young people as a preference
over television and music in some cases,(67%) according to BBC News, (2017). There
has been a rise in violent games being played which has caused parents, teacher and
psychologists to question whether these games do influence destructive behaviors
among the children. Games such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, FIFA, Battlefield,
Mine Craft and League of Leagues, where players assume the Fantasy Role Play (FPS)
position, fighting against the opposition and watching as blood spills and victims fall.
It’s a desensitizing process, which is subliminally taking place within the mind of the
player; and creating a normalcy based on the idea of playing certain games, solely for
the purpose of killing. Online games have advanced immensely regarding state of the
art graphics, weaponry, and sound effects practically drawing in its players through
unconscious and visual appeal. Previous studies using the General Aggressive Model
(GAM) have identified a causal pattern, and that is, violent games whether online or
offline impact on a player’s psyche, leading to aggressive behavior (Hollingdale &
Greitemeyer, 2014).
The History of Gaming
In recent years, intelligent electronic mediums have advanced from implicit
nonexistence to elemental entertainment necessity for the young people, especially
those in higher education. Within the last decade, the Internet has thoroughly
transformed the communications industry from a distinctive and motionless entity into
a tangible shared superhighway (Crayton, 2011, Yvonne H. C. Yau, 2016).One aspect
of interactive networking online is the advent of online gaming. Since 1972, videos
games have advanced, especially with the public emergence of the ‘Pong’ in the USA,
to an immense industry that is allowing younger people to start making a living by
becoming professional gamers. The era of online gaming and streaming has spawned a
whole new generation of people who are earning a living wage by playing video games,
competitively or simply by playing in front of a camera, making funny comments or
talking about all kinds of topics as they play
(Intanya and Jenkins, 2017).
World of War craft, most popular game with over 7.1 million supporters and Amazon’s Twitch, the greatest
online podium, where players earn a wage
This study will commence with the following:
o History of games and its purpose in military personnel implementation and
o The second section will define the term gaming,'
o The other section will cover the analysis of how gaming can impact young
people in education, parental fears and the implications of excessive playing.
o Finally, the paper will discuss the various consequences that online gaming has
on modern society, such as addiction and how this affects individuals from a
psychological perspective.
The purpose of this study is to examine adolescent attitudes and behavior as
well as analyze the impact that online games may have on their educational, social and
psychological development and; whether they run the risks of addiction.The aim is to
recognize-related patterns, including aggression, violence and negative characteristics
that may become a serious cause for concern and whether they are influenced by the
interaction on the Internet. Furthermore, the intention is to determine whether online
games can be considered dangerous and addictive or do people simply have addictive
personalities?Finally, the analysis will focus on using secondary research via the
Internet, journals, reports, studies and books to collate empirical evidence to gain
valuable insight.
Literature Review
The revolution of online gaming
“You know you’re a gamer when five minutes become five more hours.
Ralph H Baer in 1967, created the first console - the ‘brown box,' which could
be connected to a TV unit and came with six games (Orland, 2017).The first time that
online gaming was implemented in computers and consoles, it was seen as a very
flawed novelty that might not catch on as expected. However, the issue changed in
2005 when the Xbox 360 brought extremely effective online gaming networks for
most of their games; and the PlayStation three followed with the same level of
dedication to the online aspect of gaming. Today, the PS4 has the market popularity
of 70% in all mainland European country (, 2017).The expansion in
the gaming world gave a much-needed boost to an industry that seemed to be losing a
bit of steam. However, the ability to take your gaming from your living room to the
entire world engaged gamers in ways, that made them feel much more obsessed with
gaming than ever before (Bishop, 2017).
Games as Instructive, Professional and Exploration apparatuses
The use of coextensive computer programs served to upgrade education and
training, which is a requirement for military personnel. The program was absorbed from
serious games as a methodical mode of preparing fighters, developing practices without
subjecting them to disappointments, hazards, and setting them up for "21st-century"
wars. Within the armed forces, where education through involvement can be expensive
and hazardous, the creation of serious games satisfies that void in resolving those
issues. Soldiers acquire knowledge through re-enactments, prove to be speedy,
economical and secure.The Defense Academy of the UK Ministry of Defense, (2008),
used computer games as material for training in the British Army. The construction and
military preparation is the most significant element in the armed forces and additionally
tends to be the most dramatic and unsafe. Serious games convey substantial qualities
such as:
Averting threats and endangerments;
Decrease the necessity for costly apparatus and locations
Condense contamination and ecological damage;
Capability of performing unattainable tangible tasks;
Upsurge militaristic enthusiasm
Opportunity of skill acquirements as a result of sequential disappointments;
Accomplishing superior understanding;
Adaptation of innovative information and techniques
One of the first successful and serious military applications was a flight
simulator created in the USA, in the 1930’s. During the military preparation for World
War II, the need to reduce the time for training and instruction leading to the
development of a solution to instruct and train pilots quickly.Nowadays, there are
already several serious games
, created to train the various branches of the armed forces
and navy. A major example, and not limited are the following: the game Jane’s Fleet
Command came to be distributed freely to junior officers, who were on board to
motivate them to practice the game (Naval Force).
In the Air Force, Microsoft Flight Simulator was used in basic flight schools to
provide training to pilots, with several hours of virtual fights, before they had access to
the controls of a real airplane.Serious games were employed as part of the armed
See appendix 1B
preparation enlistment: A while back, the USA Military Defense built an online game,
titled America’s Army, where authorities screened the consequences of the players in
an attempt to select the most successful participants for the army. ‘Call of Duty,' an
added cybernetic combat game was constructed and set against harsh elements to
simulate real time battles the officers were unlikely to experience otherwise.
Socializing through the gaming world
Those who get involved in online gaming for the purpose of enjoyment and
relaxation found an incredible boost in replay value once they had the chance to bring
their gaming online. Accordingly, the research found that 11-17-year-old boys were
more likely to engage in online games than girls. 66% preferred to play from their
bedroom with 35% from the homes of their peers, and 25% said they preferred to play
from other areas in their homes. Adolescents were asked which, three events kept them
active, socializing online and gaming were at the top with 44% each, while associating
with companions, yielded 33%. An assessment involving 1000 adolescents within the
UK, disclosed that the principal gender-specific divide is in virtual interests, with 53%
of girls devoting time to online fraternizing, as opposed to 37% of boys. While 57% of
boys agreed that their most preferred activity was indulging in online gaming, only 29%
of girls’ population agreed to be addicted to online games. However, 34% revealed
that their ideal recreation time would be spent having a ton of fun in a sheltered
domain,' 28.9% would prefer to attempt playing some sport and 26% meeting new
friends (, 2017).
According to ‘get safe online,' 91% of parents reported that their children played
online games, with 5% fear for online safety as 16% revealed that their children have
already experienced online bullying or abuse. 37% of parents feel powerless in
controlling the online gaming activities of their children. 91% will monitor the length
of time their children are online, while 34% added that their children played online
games a minimum of once a day, using a tablet (62%) or mobile phone (47%). The
research indicated that monitoring length of time and type of games being played is
unlikely.Despite online gaming becoming a modern phenomenon, most parents are out
of synch with the risks of children playing online games. However, 16% of parents
recognize that online gaming rostrum leaves children exposed to bullying and verbal
abuse, which they may choose not to disclose with their parents, making the
percentages higher than anticipated (, 2017).
"Individuals who play games to get away from their lives or to pretend to be
other people seem to be those most at-risk for becoming part of a vicious cycle. These
gamers avoid their problems by playing games, which in turn interferes with their lives
because they're so busy playing games," (Joe Hilgard, 2017).
UK Statistics of Online Gaming Adolescents
32.9 million people in the UK play games
70% of 16 to 65-year-old game players consistently use gaming equipment, 72%
play on and offline
• 49% are conundrum and quiz game players, which are the most common games
30% of respondent’s preference was social interacting games the second most
common sort of game
84% of eight to 15-year-old gamers play habitually, 96% play socially
54% of social networking players have played with friends or family online or over
a network
41% of Internet browser game players have played with unknown people online or
across a network
31% of game players said it was impossible to do anything else while gaming
compared with 14% for browsing the Internet, 10% watching TV and 2% listening
to the radio (filtered to players who use these media) (, 2017).
Online Gaming Dangers
Online computer games are on the rise and are becoming an increasingly
widespread source of entertainment among teenagers. The aspiration for rivalry and the
fervor derived from playing makes online games addictive for some teenagers that
engage in play. These young people will go to extreme lengths to attain an
advantageous position within the game, equally disconnecting themselves from their
environments. Battling demanding obstructions and attaining newly elevated positions
in the game energizes and motivates the player while losing the games’ mission can
lead to anxiety issues (Morrison, 2001).
Does High Engagement In Online Gaming Mean Addiction?
As online gaming is particularly appealing to adolescents, it could be argued
that this group is more at risk, that is, more vulnerable and susceptible, of developing
gaming addiction. Research suggests an excessive engagement with online games
appears to lead to addiction in only a small number of players. However, some research
has suggested that excessive online gaming may in severe cases lead to symptoms
commonly experienced by substance addicts, namely salience, temperament alteration,
desire, divergence, retraction, patience and degeneration (Griffiths, 2001). Only a few
factions of players that engage in online gaming become addicted to it. The addiction
to online gaming has both rewards, demerits and has been studied by various scholars.
Durkin (2002) asserts that there are prospective rewards in playing online
games. In his analysis, he determined that adolescents who played online video games
demonstrated significantly lower amounts of risk-taking behavior, that is, substance
abuse, and self-reported defiance, than those adolescents who did not play.
Interestingly, Durkin also noted that online gamers, whether it was those who played
every so often or the “hardcore” player, participated in considerably less risky friend
networks than those adolescents who did not play. Other and even the average school
grades of those adolescent, video game players were significantly higher than their non-
gaming counterparts.Competition is based on ego, but could easily lead to addiction,
which is then a psychological issue.
Baranowski et al.,(2008) in his paper suggested that online video games could
be used to elicit positive behavior changes, suggesting, “Getting and maintaining an
individual’s attention is a crucial step in altering behavior, and it is here, those online
video games are most useful to the process.” Online Video games can also add an
element of fun and motivation to the process and can make the switch to a new behavior
easier. It was also noted that online video games might positively relate to behavioral
fluctuations in one of two principal methods: Firstly, the game could directly
encompass behavior altering measures into the games played, for example is required
to set goals or allowing the game to combine the new behaviors into the story. Finally,
online video games are not only known to have a positive pedagogical consequence of
social interaction. Several explorations have disclosed that online video games can be
used as tools to improve skills, such as hand-eye coordination, including the players’
cognitive abilities.
Earlier Research
Professor Gentile’s, a world-class specialist on the progressive and harmful
consequences of the media on adolescents, carried out a previous study, which unveiled
that 8% of game players aged eight to eighteen, and displayed the excessive use of
online games. The expression is adopted pathologically, rather than the non-specific
term ‘addiction’ to imply that playing online games is detrimental to the development
of the player.
According to, addiction is perceived to be a compulsive
regulatory syndrome, which does not include the use of mind-altering stimulants,
comparable to habitual gambling. The excessive playing of video games has been
labeled as “addictive, obsessive and habitual and over the top usage of online video
games.”In contrast, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
add that uninterrupted and intermittent online pursuit give rise to critical biochemical
deterioration. Meaning, neural circuitries are activated similarly to those of an addict
who has just abused drugs. However, the DSM accepts that future settings about online
gaming addiction presently lacks an analytical model, which would imply it’s a publicly
documented psychological disorder.Conversely, online game addiction could be
quantified using similar strategies, applied for other psychological indispositions by
combining markers from gambling and somnific users to ascertain toxic developmental
activities, which may be a sign of obsession, detachment, inferiority and combined
negativity towards learning (Professor Gentiles, 2014).
Can the online game be considered dangerous and addictive or are people genetically
predisposed for addictive personalities?
“Sometimes I wish I never found the Internet. Sometimes I regret getting a laptop and
Wi-Fi for logging into the Internet because of it such a distraction. If you have any
addictive personality, the Internet will magnify it.
Many studies can be found regarding online gaming and addiction, however not
much research can be found, which focuses on personality dynamics and gaming
addiction. This section will explore personality characteristics. Sensation seeking is
defined as the ‘inclination to seek tangible, corporeal desire and enjoyment. It is the
characteristics of individuals who follow unique, intricate and extreme sensations.
These personalities adore involvement, just because they can, also living dangerously
for the experience.Sensation seekers cherish brilliant luminosities, chaos, and
adventurousness” ( or offline, gaming addiction has not yet
been classified as a disorder and is in need of further investigation before it can be
cataloged by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM). It is possible the character attributes could influence
addiction, due to individual’s being susceptible to addiction.
Research has shown that sensation seeking intended on defining addiction to
online games has proven to be incompatible. (Mehrofetal., 2010).Ng & Wiener-
Hastings asserts that self-control as an added factor in motivating individual’s action is
also connected to online gaming. Individuals who engage in playing online games have
a lack of time management discipline once they are playing. Conversely, Kim,
maintains, “There is a general lack of research on the relationship between self-control
and online gaming addiction.” Equally, offensive characteristics usually play a role in
Google: Lupe Fiasco.
online gaming. Lemmens, et al., states that boys who play online games excessively
were prone to playing violent games than passive ones. To support this discussion,
similar studies have corroborated that there is a connection between excessive online
game playing and a proclivity towards violent games.Similarly, it has been reported
that those who suffer from anxiety, online games served to enhance neurotic attitudes
as well as influencing the likelihood of them becoming addicts. A group of university
students was found to be more inclined to excessive Internet use due to the flexibility
of class timetables, living away from home than those in opposition.
Data collection was spread over four weeks, involving an opportunity sample of
students. 200 students participated with 123 completing the survey - 72 males, 51
females with 22.3 years as male median age and 21.6 for females.
The survey comprised of questionnaires, including Gaming Addiction Scale
(GAS), Self-Control Scale (SCS), Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ).
Others include The Inventory of Sensation-Seeking (ISS), State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory for Adults (STAI) and The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, (EQP-R-S)
and two demographic questions relating to gender and age.
The GAS model, developed byLemmens among other people, measures the
addiction of computer video games, through the use of twenty-one questions, which
Amended Short Scale
involve salience, tolerance, mood modification, relapse, withdrawal, conflict and
problems encountered. A Likert scale measuring 1 ->never or 5 -> very often,
determined addiction when five was selected. GAS’ overarching qualities purports to
be symbolic and formidable, including other measures, such as time paid playing
games, meaning the model was successful in capturing gaming addiction
About measuring self-control, (SEC) self-control scale, was consistent and
Several other models were implemented in measuring trait aggression,
sensation seeking, anxiety, neuroticism, and psychotics so that addictive personality
characteristics can be identified. Five hundred students were invited by email to
participate in the study, revealing as a result that 61.6%
of individuals were predicted
with high levels of online gaming playing. With average aggression at 103 (out of 203
although the sample showed elevated concentration, self-control was moderate at 112
indicating that student’s demonstrated self-control over their actions. However, in
respect of the findings, it revealed that individuals had some levels of anxiety and
neuroticism, parallel with sensation seeking, although the score was lower than those
who did not engage in gaming activities.
Table 1: Partaking Ratings on seven scales (N = 123)
Concept measured
(Scale Used)
Average (Likely score)
Games Addiction (GAS)
61.6 (of 105)
See appendix
Of a possible 105
Out of 203
Mean score of
Neuroticism (EPQ-R-S)
7.1 (of 12)
Self-control (SCS)
112 (of 180)
Sensation Seeking (AISS)
46.3 (of 80)
Trait-Anxiety (STAI)
50 (of 80)
State-Anxiety (STAI)
52.1 (of 80)
Aggression (BPAQ)
103 (of203)
From the analysis of the research findings, online gaming and gambling
addictions were linked to aggressiveness, stress, excitement seeking, and unpleasant
feelings when faced with fear. Equally, with trait anxiety, however trait anxiety varies
in that it stems from anticipated intimidation.According to sources sensation seeking
was undoubtedly conformant with online gaming addiction result, which could stem
from the application of sensation seeking as a buffer to save off apathy. Likewise,
cognitive and organic incentives offer remunerations for excitement seekers through
online game playing. Conclusive alliance surrounding hostility and online addiction
proposes that there is a connection, for instance, violent games are a preference for
adolescent male on and offline. Any rewards from playing violent games, online non-
violent is likely to occur frequently to the point of addiction in some (Mehroof and
Griffiths, 2009).
Forming Online Relationships through Play
From the above research, the relationships that players form in online video
games can become much more than a simple means to an end. McMillan & Morrison,
(2006) also supports this claim with findings from a qualitative study, showing that
bonds formed during the playing of online games have much more meaning beyond the
context of the game. As relationships within online games grow, they may ultimately
be encouraged into the real world where players can interact on a face-to-face basis.
McMillan and Morrison further explained that the virtual identity of a person could
often be a realistic representation or depiction of that individual’s real and actual
personality (an Avatar). Once an online gamer is connected with another individual,
trust is quickly formed through virtual identities, which allow for a huge amount of
personal information disclosure, then what a face to face meeting would reveal.
Likewise, this bonding could transition to romantic relationships, which could
continue into the world of reality. For many online gamers, online friendships allow for
a greater level of closeness and self-disclosure than what they might be willing to
engage in, in the real world (Martey, 2007). At this level, it appears that friendships
could be more easily molded in real time. Although there has been an increasing
number of research proposing that online video games have the potential to positively
stimulate adolescent development and enhance the relationships of those involved in
the gaming process, it is also established that there are also notable negative effects that
can potentially affect some games. These effects may include Internet addiction,
gambling issues, significant decay and damage to relationships with others, and may
even lead to poor academic performance by such students.
Lo et al., (2005), implies that individuals who attempt to establish meaningful
relationships online may not be able to express themselves in real world settings. The
major relationships may invariably result in higher levels of social anxiety, experienced
by such individuals. Lo et al. further explained that virtual relationships are only useful
for gratifying interaction at a virtual level and exempt real world social needs - inferring
that individuals with very strong online relationships usually experience a reduced
quality of real-world interpersonal relationships. The results of the research clearly
portray that heavy and addicted players of online games had the least fulfilling and
gratifying interpersonal relationships as compared to those who played such games
sparingly or didn’t play at all. Most gamers reported less fulfilling social relationships
than non-gamers. Their findings also suggested that the level of social anxiety
experienced by gamers tended to increase as game usage increased.
Peters &Malesky, (2008), also supported the notion that players seeking
meaningful relationships within a game may have trouble forming meaningful
relationships in the real world. Furthermore, it is logical to suggest that online gamers
may spend more time on the game to evade confrontational social interactions that may
require a higher level of skill. The players may experience stress that arises from
rejection in physical domain interactions and may push the aforesaid player into seeking
interaction and communication within a safer arena, such as within the platform of an
online game. Academic discourse and research have demonstrated that video game play
could be linked with a decrease in students’ grade. Additionally, Anderson & Dill,
(2000) in their study reported that the amount of time spent playing online video games
may well affect study time and could negatively transform students’ grades. They also
articulated that they were unable to clearly ascertain whether online video games had a
negative impact on academic performance. They further postulated that it could be a
case of poor time management in that an individual, who spends a vast amount of time
playing online video games, and uses less time for academic work, would naturally
expect a decrease in exam results.
These findings were supported by Anand, (2007), adding that excessive online
video games resulted in a decrease in academic scores. This analysis addresses the types
of games players preferred as well as time management, questions designed to
determine how the participants shared their time between school, work, video games,
and additional recreational activities. The data gathered was then juxtaposed to the
reported academic scores. The results from this study indicated that online video games
could have a detrimental effect on academic grades. It is difficult to deduce a causal
relationship with the given data. Even though it is possible that video games could have
a detrimental effect on academic performance indicators, e.g., academic assessments,
it could also be as a result of inadequate time being allocated to academic pursuits.How
Excessive Online Gaming Can Affect Young People Psychologically
Video game players are often yelling, jumping, sweating or otherwise, so
engrossed in what they are doing that they wouldn’t notice if the roof collapsed (unless
it unplugged the gaming in the process)” (Rigby and Ryan, 2011).
Psychology has been undervalued within the gaming division since individuals
began playing. From the time of its inception, people have accepted that games played
online are for practical and fun purposes, however, the more research we do, the more
we ascertain that there are advantages and disadvantages to playing online games
these disadvantages can cause chaos in some regard.Perpetually on the computer, it is
easy for anyone to disengage from their environment completely and indulge in a
cybernetic world. Many people choose to withdraw from society and in order to do so;
they create the world where they feel safe and comfortable, where there are no
problems, and everything is easily solvable (Rigby and Ryan, 2011).
The Impact of Playing Online Games
There have been studies into the impacts and reasons on what causes individuals
to play online video games and the impact from it. What has been found is that
individuals who feel detached from society or have personal problems are reluctant to
resolve them. Consequently, the games become a pacifier. Hence, online games are
not in themselves harmful but the overuse of it, which can be harmful regarding the
social and psychological attitudes of individuals. Excessive gaming has been
associated with depression, joblessness and poor relationship dynamics (Sinclair,
2012).Richard M. Ryan, a motivational therapist, infers that there is a more profound
reason than simply fun in playing games online. The disclosure suggests that
individuals experienced the best sentiments when the games had a positive illicit
relationship, also when the games they played had a connection with reality.It's our
assertion that the psychological appeal of online games is to a great extent, because of
their capacity to trigger feelings of autonomy, capability, and relatedness.
While the video games industry has become the central means of recreational
amusement, its market grew in such an intense, fascinating and aggressive manner
online games have escalated to the point of all-encompassing social importance. From
amazing graphics, 3D surrounds sound and avatar action; online games have the
capacity to attract and possess our interests. It has given cause for concern regarding
the psychological impact it could have on the brain and development of young players.
Media and Moral Panic around Online Games
Online gaming has become a controversial topic in many family homes and
institutions, as it’s now considered the norm to have at least one console per household.
We are inundated with innovative creations and as soon as something new comes out,
the Xbox, PlayStation, even the latest handheld is no longer the ‘in thing’ to have.
Similarly, because most of the well-liked games include high levels of violence, its
ability to time consume and captivate its audience, means it creates contention between
psychologists, parents and the video game industry. The potential negative impact of
the games also concerns politicians, because of the high risk of psychological damage
it could because young people; hence global regulations and policies must be put in
place to protect the public.
Conversely, some games can be motivating and serve to improve social skills,
governance and educational development (Rigby and Ryan, 2011). However, some
games have been blamed for delinquency. When it comes to the media, they create a
moral panic and spread propaganda. School shootings in the USA
have become a
socially acknowledged standard. Globally, America leads with secondary school
shootings, and between 1991 and 2013, they experienced 55 school shootings ending
in tragedy and trauma.
Video games were the catalyst, culpable for the shootings carried out by the
likes of Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook school shooter), Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
(Columbine killers), who all had violent video games, which they played extensively.
It could be argued that some people simply have addictive personalities and addiction
could entail golfing, eating, reading books, etc., which is never considered an addiction
nor has been labeled as such.Professor Joshua Miller, added, Media exposure tend to
give hopeless, temperamental individuals "a model of how they can establish their
grievances." Time magazine’s splash of the Westside Middle school shooters and its
provocative headlines, could influence other angry teens. The media is obligated to
broadcast factual news affairs, however, exciting the gunman, could be seen by
impressionable adolescents, who may mirror the wrongdoing for recognition
(, 2017).
See appendix A
Online Gaming Addiction among Secondary School Students In The UK And Its
Impact On Their Studies
Dangers of Social Media
Online gaming safety: pedophilia/grooming, cyberbullying, suicide
"We know the internet is used as a gateway by abusers to commit hundreds of
offenses against children every year and, in our joint research, 50% of school
children surveyed admitted seeing sexual or violent material online," said the head of
NSPCC Cymru, Des Mannion.(BBC News, 2017).
Negative images and media:
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), games such as
Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto among other games are connected with aggression and
negative behavior. However, APA also added that no empirical evidence was available
to corroborate this statement (John von Radowitz, 2017).
"Scientists have investigated the use of violent video games for more than two
decades, but to date, there is very limited research addressing whether violent video
games cause people to commit acts of criminal violence. However, the link between
violence in video games and increased aggression in players is one of the most studied
and best established in the field. We know that there are numerous risk factors for
aggressive behavior” (Dr. M Appelbaum, 2015).
Safe environment
Children feeling safer indoors, rather than walking street
Parent can account for where their children are
Disabled people use of Online Gaming
Educational purposes
Policies and Legislations
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
consists of global authorities operating jointly to tackle financial, general and
conservational trials of capitalism. They were set up to compare guidelines, pursue
solutions to mutual difficulties, and determine positive customs and synchronize
familial and intercontinental protocol including:
Computer system at risk from viruses
Circulating private information
Confidentiality and identity theft
Grooming and bullying
2008, Seoul Ministerial Assembly on the future of the Internet economy, called
for a partnership of independent division, domestic groups, and the virtual world on
improving the online security of adolescents. Copious rules of conduct and
modifications have been upgraded based on pre-existing risk analysis in light of
youngsters connecting with grown-ups (cyber grooming), machines (extracting private
information/gambling). Other major issues include online dangers of intimidation by
other children, viewed as threatening (cyberbullying), offline presents an equally
comparable danger as online to (pornography) or particular situations (illegal
Adolescents oblivious of the dangers of downloading online content, regardless
of gadgets used are at risk. Age and developmental stages can be a marker. Threats can
be categorized in line with illicit measurements; those exclusive of criminal
wrongdoing, in particular, where youngsters are likely to be a casualty of crime carried
out by an outsider, those mentioned above, where the youth perpetrates a crime.
As the Internet permeates every aspect of the economy and society, it is also
becoming an essential element of our children’s lives. While it can bring considerable
benefits for their education and development, it also exposes them to online risks such
as access to inappropriate content, harmful interactions with other children or with
adults, and exposure to aggressive marketing practices.
Finally, legal controls with regards to strict methods of child safeguarding
online fluctuates. However, some states’ policies encourage the implementation of real-
world regulations and lawful responsibilities, involving the application of specific
components, such as ISP-level filters, Parental Controls. The UK Child Safety Online
Kitemark scheme, Digital Child Exploitation Filtering Systems that will shield children
while online, including, civic backing for research to improve these tools (,
2017; 75-78).
As reported by, (2017), within two years, most individuals who access
the World Wide Web will consistently play online games. The suggestion is that 48.6%
or 26.4 million people currently use the internet (2017)., (2017; 33), found that children are exposed to anunsuitable
exhibition of online information, consumerism and security risks each time they access
the Internet. They are then being exposed to illegal content, destructive opinion, which
could lead to suicide, fraud and contact dangers,etc.; and online marketing, which could
be potentially unsuitable for young people; as age-restricted products are marketed
without safeguarding. On the basis of the current literature and in relation to risks taken
by children using the Internet, in addition to quantitative data, merging of the aforesaid
material appears to be an ambitious task. However, its limitations lie in the fact that a
widespread evaluation of each risk setting, is required for global discourse, involving
all authorities.
The issue of online gaming has been a wide topic of discussion. In this study,
various methodologies have been applied, whose main aim is to create a deeper
analysis of the events, which connect to the gaming process, and the results of the
same activity. One major method applied is the historical research method, which
gives a relationship between an event and a past occurrence. The major point of focus
is the creation of a relationship between how gaming activities started and what
impact they have in the modern society. Comparative research has also been applied,
with the main aim of establishing a connection between the past and the present,
especially in the world of online gaming. Written materials, especially the various
online sites that contain any materials related to gaming activities have been used, in
what is referred to as the descriptive research process. The research process of
determining the various strategies to be used in the collection, analysis, and even
interpreting the data is of great importance (Williams, 2007, 1).
Gathering the required information relied on the use of various materials and
individuals, so as to generate the required information. Materials used included the
online sources with the past description of the gaming activities, and questionnaires,
which would contain the questions for the target population. To accomplish this study,
a sample of one thousand teenagers across the United Kingdom was selected so as to
involve them in the experiment. The main point would be the creation of the large
picture, to understand the trends,based on the gaming activities by the teenagers. There
was also a random sample of parents who were used in the study to establish how often
and for how long their children play the online games. Another important sample which
was used in the study was the random sample of adults who indulge themselves in
online gaming activities. The sampling process was random, picking an individual
froma certain location, and the rest from different locations. However, the final study
involved students, who gave the final information, where 200 students participated.
Only 123 completed the research process, with 72 males, and51 females with the
median age 22.3 years for the males, and 21.6 years for the females.
The research was set to be conducted in a stipulated time frame of one month,
which was an equivalent of four weeks, and which would enable the researchers to
conduct the research by bringing together the information from the various sources.
The chart below explained how the research would be conducted;
the date
0 -7 days
7-14 days
14-21 days
The research relied on the Likert scale measuring 1 -> never or 5 -> very
often, so as to ensure that the information generated was reliable and valid. The
process of bringing together the various participants included the use of emails to
ensure that there were a large number of individuals who were targeted for the study.
While conducting the study, there were various assumptions whichwere put into
consideration by the researchers;
a) All the young people invited to the interview played online games
b) The young people were capable of playing more than one online game
c) The young people were able to engage other people in their online gaming
d) The online games had some impacts on the young people
e) There were some elements of anxiety, aggressiveness, and stress among the
young people.
To analyse the various assumptions and the results given by the young people
in the study, there was the need to embark on the online materials which would help
in the analysis of the results obtained. The online materials would be used for
references purposes, especially to indicate on the previous studies conducted on the
main issue of ensuring that there was any correlation between the various studies and
the obtained results. The scope of this study stretched to include the various research
methods that would give the viable information, critical for the analysis of this study.
However, this study has some limitations. Some of the major limitations include the
lack of finances to bring people from far places to participate in the research. Another
major limitation, which poses a challenge to this study, is the lack of adequate time to
conduct the study, by engaging various individuals, and giving the required time
frame for the people to participate in the study. Dropping out of individuals from the
research process is a major challenge, which in one way or the other has ensured that
the researchers rely only on a few individuals to give responses.
In understanding the results of the study, it was important to understand the
various structures of questionnaires used in the study. The questionnaires used by the
researchers were structured as follows:
a) 0-2 hours
b) 2-3 hours
c) 3-5 hours
d) Above 5
Short time spend online
Medium time spend online
Long time spend online
The focus was analyzing the time each young person spends online playing
the games. The researcher focused on getting information from the young people,
about the time they spend online playing games on the computers or even on their
mobile devices. The longer the time one spends online playing the games makes them
addicted to the games, and so, the higher the levels of excitement, stress, and anxiety
related to such cases.
Research Question
There are various questions of importance, which needed to be answered in the
research. Some of the questions that needed to be answered included;
a) How do young people get addicted to online games?
b) How do adults and parents control the children from getting addicted to online
c) What are some of the major impacts of online games?
d) What can be done to control the young people from addictions of online
In this study, these questions have been answered, where various sections have
been able to cover each and every question. The study has shown how the young
people get addicted to online games, how adults and parents control the children from
getting addicted to online games, and the major impacts of online games. The study
has also answered the question of what measures can be adopted to control the young
people from addictions of online gaming.
This study has also focused on two major research methods, which include the
qualitative and the quantitative research methods. The study has focused on the
qualitative research process by ensuring that it focuses on case studies related to the
online gaming activities. The qualitative research processes were also based on the
established theories related to addiction, various content analyses, phenomenological
studies, and ethnography (Seay, 2006). In the study, quantitative research methods
have also been taken into consideration, where comparisons were made to the various
sources of research information conducted on the online gaming activities. The
research methods were applied so as to promote the understanding and the generation
of a more comprehensive study of the online gaming activities (Castellan, 2010).
Critical Analysis
One of the most interesting things about online gaming is that current reviewers
point at no less than 56% of gamers saying that they are using online gaming to meet
new people. Then you have 47% of those gamers who are using online gaming as a way
to pursue personal goals - goals being video game development and making a living
out of playing video games at a professional level (Macale, 2017).Other problems
associated with online gaming, includes the lack of time that people give to physical
activities, which will eventually impact on their health. A person that spends all day
playing video games, taking no breaks to exercise, is going to start suffering from health
related issues at a much younger age. Sedentary lifestyles seem to be very common in
the online gaming community. It could be argued that the most dedicated gamers are
stereotyped as being reclusive people that are out of shape, who eat junk food and never
do any physical activities. The report is obviously far from the truth, as many gamers
are successful people with a healthy social life outside of the virtual world (Christopher
and Christopher, 2017).
B.F Skinner’s operant behavior is conduct measured by its results, however, in
reality, operant conditioning about excessive online gaming is behavior ordered by its
repercussions. What this means is that the excessive (behavior) the game playing
determines the outcome of that child’s behavior. If they are allowed to play online
games without supervision, it is likely that aggressive behaviors and attitudes will
develop. Skinner understood that operant behavior should include a reaction, which
could be revised, such as squeezing a lever for a rat. Similarly, young people play online
games for a reaction, leveling up and receiving rewards (life, weapons, etc.)
(Staddon&Cerutti, 2017).Erik Erikson’s, (1950, 1963) psychosocial developmental
model delves into the five stages of development, occurring from ages 12-18 years.
However, for the purpose of this study, the adolescent stages will be discussed as it
relates to online gaming. Adolescent stage is where young people discover their
individualism and the perception of identity.
Erikson surmised that individuals advance through aprogression of stages as
they mature and evolve over the course of their lifetime. Respectively, individuals
encounter progressive battles, requiring a resolution to effectively saturate the principal
integrity of that juncture. His concerns revolved around the dynamics of shared
interaction and connections, influencing progression.Among the many principal
components of this theory, sits the ego identity, which is simply cognizant self-interest.
The process is cultivated through the transformation of collective interplay and
acquired knowledge. Likewise, Robert Siegler in 1979 carried out research on Piaget’s
formal operational stage, inferring that adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17-
years-old’s rational maturity depended on obtaining and exploiting guidelines,
progressively in unpredictable circumstances, instead of phases.Young people apply
these same principles in playing online games as they follow instructions, which
reinforces their understanding of the virtual world they are a part of and its shared
Online gaming is one of the major addicting activities for a majority of the
people. A majority of the people who are affected by the online gaming activities
include the young people and a growing number of adults. Although online gaming is
to some extend good for some people, it has a lot of problems for the young people.
Online gaming has created many psychological problems to the young people which
include stress, anxiety, among other issues. The extreme gaming activities have also
caused a negative relationship among the children, especially the ones in the UK.
A majority of the UK children spend a long time playing online games, which
have not only negative impacts on the social behaviors, educational and academic
performances, but also the psychological status of the young people.(Can you rephrase
this section as this study was based on UK young people).
With the negative impacts that the excessive online gaming activities have been
havingon the lives of the young people, the parents and the guardians can come up with
policies within their families which ensure that children do not spend lots of time
playing games. Some of the reforms which need to be put into consideration include
encouraging the young people to participate in various social activities and physical
activities such as games. Spending long time seated only makes an individual develop
health related complications, which might cost their lives or even alot of money. To
conclude it all, parents should restrict and even regulate how their children interact with
the Internet and online gaming activities.
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Firearms /
Number of
Shootings /
Firearms /
100 people)
The ban on
United States
South Africa*
England and
Firearms /
Number of
Shootings /
Firearms /
100 people)
The ban on
“The data for the number of school shootings comes from research done by
Georgia Southern University professor Laura Agnich, who told the HPR that this
research defines school shootings as incidents in schools with “at least one fatality,
but more than one intended victim.” The estimates of civilian firearms come from
the 2011 Small Arms Survey, and much of the data on civilian firearms per 100
citizens also comes from this survey. The survey did not include data on civilian
firearms per 100 people for the countries marked with an asterisk, so this data was
created using population data from 2007, the year the actual data collection from the
Small Arms Survey was conducted, and civilian firearms data from the Small Arms
Survey. The data for automatic firearms laws came from the organization
Surname42 for all countries except Israel, Argentina, and Bosnia-
Herzegovina.(, 2017).
console games ‘Brown Box’ to the latest PS4
Another of their inventions was the ‘Medical Trauma Trainer.' Its purpose was
not in education, but rather the therapeutic strategies, for instance, minimal casuistical
surgery and ‘Tactical Iraqi’ was another computer game, passed down by officers in an
Iraqi operation to school soldiers on how to interact with community members. Its
advantage was to bring issues to light among military personnel about building trust
between all parties, so that conflict was suspended (Cruz-Cunha, 2012:189-191).
“Self-control Scale (SCS) employed 36 articles to gauge self-control. These
included discipline, deliberative/non-impulsive action, health habits, work ethics, and
reliability.Scoring is on a Likert scale, with the highest scores, confirming the
individual’s self-control. The test is validated against a high number of other scales and
inventories, such as the test of self-control validates its reliability (Cronbach’s x =
0.89)” (Mehroof& Griffiths).

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