Surname 2
evaluates how the current policies were influenced by previous laws. The conclusion of this
study is similar to that of Lott since they both stipulate that tight firearm control policies
causes a decrease in crime rate, however, murder remains high. A limitation of the study is
that does not give explicit details on the direct relationship between strict laws and more
Krouse, William J. “Gun control legislation.” Library of Congress, Washington DC
Congressional Research Service, 2010.
Krouse, an expert in Domestic Security and Crime Policy, provides an analysis report
in the various legislations relating to gun control. The main argument of the report is to
evaluate whether gun control legislations reduces violent crimes. It also provides an analysis
of whether restrictive gun control legislations have a negative impact on the ability of citizens
protecting themselves from gun attackers. The report is based on other literature materials, as
well as other available reports on gun control policies and Acts. This report is beneficial for
the study since it helps to answer the objective of the research, and it is also useful in making
recommendations on the findings. This source differs from other sources since it is presented
as a congress report, while others are articles and books.
Lott, John R. More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws.
University of Chicago Press, 2013.
The primary arguments in the book relate to issues such as the effect of gun control,
gun ownership, benefits of gun protection, and the politics around gun control laws. The
author seeks to find out whether high crime rate results in increased gun ownership using data
at the county level. This author regards his work to be used by future researchers to gain
further insight into crime and gun control laws. This book is useful to the study since it
provides a direct relationship between gun laws and the rate of crime. The main observation
made by the author is that the rate of crime has a positive correlation with stringent gun