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lost, and very few medical results made. Moreover, Animal Experimentation faces three main
obstacles when it comes to the translation to humans of data. They include the laboratory
environment, human diseases and animal model of diseases disparities, and physiological and
genetic differences in species. The atmosphere in which the experiments take place often fails to
note the stress markers that affect the animals' physiology and behavior. Due to the difference in
physiology, it is easier to introduce human disease to the animals artificially. However, the
animals often fail to meet the complexity of the human disease genetic makeup, making their
applicability a trial and error errand.
The disposable view of animals by humans based on the annual figure of animals exposed
to experimentation only acknowledges humans as self-centered and inconsiderate in the
continuity and survival of other animal species. It is more of a sport than a medical and scientific
journey due to the number of animals compromised along the way. The preservation of life is
now an excuse protocol to capture and recapture, and compromise the sanity of animal life.
Bailey, Jarrod, and Shiranee Pereira. "Advances In Neuroscience Imply That Harmful
Experiments In Dogs Are Unethical". Journal Of Medical Ethics, vol 44, no. 1, 2017, pp.
47-52. BMJ, doi:10.1136/medethics-2016-103630. Accessed 3 Aug 2019.
Jarrod Bailey and Pereira Shiranee acknowledges functional MRI as a conclusively
proven tool in understanding the parameters behind how the neural circuitry of canine brain
functions. However, the viability of evidence that validates animals like dogs as being receptive
to perception, cognition, positive emotions, and intuition ethically invalidates their candidacy in
Animal Experimentation. They reveal the striking similarity paused by both the humans and the
animals' brains. The brain part, caudate nucleus, in both cases demonstrates bonding urges,