Anorexia Nervosa
Many individuals wish that they would look different or could fix a thing or the other
about ourselves, that’s only being human. However, if an individual is preoccupied with being
slender, to an extend that it has overshadowed one’s thoughts, eating habits and life, then one is
considered to have an eating disorder. To an anorexic person, weight loss becomes priority. An
individual may fail to see who they truly are. There are many individuals going through the same
thing mostly affecting those aged between twenty and forty five years old (Omodei, 2015).
These self-destructive patterns caused by anorexia are not permanent. With the right support and
treatment, an individual could regain self-confidence and most importantly, health.
Anorexia Nervosa is a grave eating disorder that is defined by the fear of weight gain,
determined restriction of energy intake and a disturbance of self-perceived image including
shape and weight (Omodei, 2015). It has been categorized as a mental illness that affects
individuals of all ages, gender, ethnicities, races and sexual orientations. Although, the disorder
has been thought to commence during adolescence, an increasing number of older adults and
children are being diagnosed (Omodei, 2015). It has been found mainly in females and rare in
men. The current culture is obsessed with one’s image. Individuals worry about putting on
weight. However, with anorexia extreme lengths are gone to maintain low body weights
(Omodei, 2015). Thoughts about food and dieting take up most of one’s time leaving out friends
or family. It involves a relentless pursuit of intense loss of weight and no matter how thin one
gets, it is never enough. Eating and mealtimes become very stressful as one may try absurd
methods of losing weight for example excessive exercise or vomiting after eating (Omodei,