Surname 3
or cold. It is also possible for them to experience shortness in breath, heart palpitations; they are
always unable to be still and calm. It is common for people with anxiety disorders to have their
mouth dry, nausea; their muscles experience rapid tension and also dizziness that makes them
feel faint, woozy and weak. Other victims of the disease are prone to cases of fatigue,
exaggerated startle responses, motor restlessness and numbness in the feet and arms. Ideally, the
symptoms revolve around cognitive, emotional, behavioral and physical features which can be
analyzed to affirm where one is suffering from anxiety disease, (Hyman, 32).
Anxiety disorders epidemiology and prevalence
Epidemiological research record that anxiety disorders are highly prevalent hence
constituting the most frequent mental disorders in affected communities. Phobias hold the
highest rates and agoraphobia followed by generalized anxiety disorders. Panic disorders are less
likely to affect people as compared to phobias. The research encourages the need to be accurate
in evaluating a given anxiety disorders in order for applying the most appropriate treatment
procedures. It is important to note that the disorder is more likely to affect divorced, separated
and widowed people, especially between their 25th-44th years. The lowest subject for anxiety
disorders is aged 65 years and above.
Anxiety disorders are among the most commonly known psychologically related
disorders in America affecting one person in every five adults victimizing approximately forty
million people, (Nevid, 494). Certainly, empirical research has affirmed that the anxiety
disorders can affect all people irrespective of their age. That is, young children, adolescents and
adults are potential victims of anxiety disorders, (Ollendick, 193)
Causes of anxiety disorders
The main causes of the anxiety disorder have been associated with environmental stress