History 2
In reading compression is considered troublesome to many since they struggle a lot to
comprehend it. It has been noted that many student have reading abilities but the problem
arises since it is difficult for them to fully understand the text; most read without an objective
and set goal. Students should be assisted to have well-tuned comprehension skills, this call
for teachers to develop strategies that enables comprehension of narrative, expository and
poetic texts (Tompkins, 2010). These strategic activities may comprise use of graphic
organizer, text preview, text presentation as well as development of vocabulary. The paper
discusses the strategic activities which will help in comprehension of text.
Comprehension is born out after reading and it requires attention as well as emphasis
when the teacher is instructing literal material. It is not a one-step strategy but it’s a process
that grows with time, it requires ones determination and time to fully understand it clearly to
the point of fluency. Comprehension skills can be taught to students what it is by first
understanding what is narrative (Freppon, & McIntyre, 1999). It is describes as giving of
account or a series of occurrences in a descriptive manner with exposition and persuasion
traits. The teacher may use graphical organizer when dealing with narratives so that
characters, plot, setting and conflict can be understood easily preventing forgetting easy. The
graphical representation makes it realistic and clears uncertainties hence increasing
comprehension level of the student (Buehl, 2008).
The ability of the students to perform depends on the comprehension level. Educators
have in many occurencies advocated for different strategies to be used as instructional
methods for students improved performance. Low performing students have been urged to try
different methods to identify which one suits them so as to embrace it to increase
productivity. Constructivists based approaches are methods which students can use to
improve their comprehension level. These strategy uses schemes where the student is actively