Apa sample suicide by cops

Running Head: SUICIDE BY COPS 1
Suicide by Cops
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Suicide by Cops
The term “suicide by cop” is often used in any police-involved killings that could be
considered self-murder based on what the subjects portray a suicidal intent. Suicide by cops
typically occurs when an individual intentionally coerce a law enforcement officer to use deadly
force. The individual often acts in a menacing way that provokes a cop to use lethal force to
contain them. In the past decade suicide by police has increasingly become an alarming trend
that has the police departments, the government and the general public worried. Statistics
indicate an alarming increase in the frequency of suicide by cop events. According to the USA
Supreme Court, a law enforcement officer is allowed to use lethal force against a suspect if he or
she poses a direct deadly threat to either the officer or the public. As such, the standard of
determining whether the subject was suicidal or the officer employed excessive force is based on
objective reasonableness.” Suicide by cop is a controversial topic that has attracted extensive
research on its validity, circumstances, influences and the reactions it draws from the public and
police departments. The paper analyzes suicide by cop regarding history, statistics, causes,
impacts, and criticism it attracts.
History of suicide by cop
The term suicide by cop was coined back in the early 1980s by a law enforcement officer,
Karl Harris, who reported that he knew of instances that individuals force police officers to shoot
them (Health Research Funding Organization , 2014). The officer who turned to suicide hotline
operator explained to the New York Times in 1998 that he has seen instances where suicidal
individuals force the law enforcement officer’s hands. By mid-1980s police assisted suicide
began to be documented in journals. In the 1990s the concept of suicide cops began to be
extensively documented including in novels such “The Outsiders” and appeared in films such as
“Falling Down.” (Azizi , 2011) While the term is considered to have originated in the USA, in
2003 an article in the UK’s “The Guardian” showcased that a jury ruled a particular incident
involving police-shooting as a suicide by cop. According to the article, the victim told the police
officers to get their guns and later a suicide note was found the ultimate evidence for suicide by
police incidents (Health Research Funding Organization , 2014). Currently, the term suicide by
cops is mostly used by law enforcement and media commentators.
Overview of Suicide by cop
Suicide by cops can be categorized into two groups. The initial instance is when the
suspect has committed a crime and is being pursued by a law enforcement officer and opts to die
rather than face an arrest. Such incidents are often a spur of a moment decision where a criminal
decides that death is better than facing the inevitable incarceration. These individuals are not
suicidal but turn suicidal in the face of imprisonment (Health Research Funding Organization ,
The other category of suicide by cop involves individuals that were contemplating to kill
themselves even before the confrontation with the police officer. Many individuals may refrain
from committing suicide themselves and often coerce another person to help them to avoid the
moral implications of self-murder. The actions of suicidal individuals are predominantly driven
with the intention of provoking the officer into shooting them. This category often occurs when
police officers are called to intervene in individual minor issues such a suicide attempt, domestic
dispute or dealing with an individual that resists the intervention due to other problems such as
mental illness or being under the influence of drugs. However, there are instances where an
individual plans a significant criminal activity that will attract the law enforcement intervention
where he or she will directly confront the officers inciting them to shoot (Health Research
Funding Organization , 2014). Individuals with the intention of coercing the police into using
lethal force against them often based their actions on standard police procedure that allows them
to assume authority whenever they arrive at a scene. The person exploits the USA Supreme
Court law that allows an officer to shot when threatened.
The determination of the validity of suicide by cop is based on objective reasonableness.
Suicide by cop considerations analyzes whether it was objectively reasonable under the reported
circumstances for the law enforcement officer to believe that the individual meant to harm him
or others (Azizi , 2011). According to the USA Supreme Court, a police officer is only allowed
to use excessive force only and only if the suspect is a lethal threat to the officer or a bystander.
As such, the determination of suicide by cop often requires evidence that the victim intended to
cause deadly harm to the police officer or the civilians.
In many cases, the officer may take action only to realize after the shooting that the
suspect was bluffing and did not intend to harm anyone. For instance, the defendant may have
threatened to shoot a civilian in efforts to facilitate a robbery or to provide a loophole for him or
her to escape the scene of the crime. However, the suspect intentions are highly subjective, and it
is unrealistic for an officer to consider that the individual is bluffing when his life or that of a
civilian hangs on the balance. In most cases, the intentions of the suspect do not factor in the
determination of whether the cop’s use of lethal force was legal (Azizi , 2011). Therefore, as
long as it was objectively reasonable for the law enforcement officer to settle that the precise
moment he shot the suspect was about to use deadly force, the actions of the officer are lawful.
Factors influencing suicide by cop
The legal analysis of suicide by police involves depicting the intentions of the subject
through study of their interactions with others, psychological autopsies, gathering information
from personal documents such as interviews and analyzing medical records of the individual. In
the case of Cedric Telasco, a 21-year old that was shot by four Florida officers, his medical
records indicated he had schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental condition characterized by
poor social skills and inability to differentiate fantasy and reality. In the incident, the four
officers shot the young man 20 times at his door. According to reports, the Telasco called 911
reporting that a man with a knife was standing in his doorway. According to the records, he gave
the operator a description of himself and concluded the call by saying that the officers should
come and do whatever they have to do (Voorhees , 2014). Similarly, in another instance, police
officers shot 18-year-old Joseph Jennings. Investigations revealed that Jennings was suicidal and
had been treated for an overdose the previous week according to the aunt (Voorhees , 2014).
The evidence that supports suicide by cop range from sex abuse, suicidal attempts,
interrupted criminal activities, mental illness, addiction, intoxication at the time of the event or a
criminal history Extensive investigation is essential in all alleged suicide by cop to avoid cases of
police brutality not drawing legal actions. A study that analyzed factors that influence Suicide by
cop concluded that analyzing individual’s intent to commit suicide by cop it is necessary for
more than one point of data to be considered (Lord, 2012). According to the study when an
individual displays behavioral, verbal or and planned indications it is clear prove of his intention
to be killed by the officer.
Prevalence of suicide by cop
Studies began to investigate the frequency of police assisted suicides in the 1990s. The
Uniform Crime Reporting program showcases the decade between 1990 and 2000, more than 60
criminals who attacked a police officer committed suicide during the same episode (Azizi ,
2011). Programs dedicated to exploring the prevalence of suicide by cop consider occurrences in
which suspects pose a direct threat to the police officers or civilians. A study by the Los Angeles
police department indicates that 65 percent of individuals in suicide by police incidents convey
their suicidal thoughts to others, more than 40 percent showcase suicidal behavior while 20%
leave suicidal notes. According to the study, almost 60 percent ask the police officers to shoot
and 15 percent continue to point their guns at the officers despite being cautioned they will be
shot (Azizi , 2011).
Figures indicate that most suicide by cop victims carry weapons such as guns, but only
half the guns are loaded. Almost 20 % of these individuals possess fake weapons (Health
Research Funding Organization , 2014). Other striking statistics indicate that nearly all suicide
by cop victims are white males. Research in female subjects involved in police shooting
demonstrates that only 5% of the suicide by cop affects female victims. According to the study
majority of women engaged in police-related shootings have an intention of being killed
(Mohandie & Meloy, 2011). Most women in Suicide by cop incidents have a diagnosed mental
illness, are taking prescribed psychiatric medications and most likely abusing a substance at the
time of the incident.
Individual remedy against a police officer for the use of excessive force is based on
&1983 suit. In the 1983 lawsuit, the plaintiff whether the suspect or his estate can claim the cop
used excessive force regarding unreasonable arrest or seizure that violated the Fourth
Amendment rights (Azizi , 2011). The determination of excess force is based on “objective
reasonableness”. In the case of the city of Leavenworth and three of its law enforcement officers
against the estate of Shawn Perryman, the defendant alleged a violation of 42 U.S.C 1983 and
the Common Law. The Kansas Court of Appeal found the officers justified in their employment
of deadly force since Perryman was within 8 feet of a cop while brandishing a metal object over
his head screaming he wants to die.
Suicide by cop has often faced criticism from commentators who insist that term is
merely an excuse for sloppy police act. Other individuals suggest that police officers may usually
put themselves in harm’s ways which forces them to “shoot their way out.” Critics of the concept
point that police shooting involving an individual pointing an unloaded gun to a cop cannot be
categorized as suicide by cop. They point that such an instance merely portrays a prospective
murderer as a victim of police brutality (Voorhees , 2014). Opposers of the concept maintain that
in such an instance, the intention of the suspect is probative since the individual may be looking
for an escape hence it is misleading to term the incident as suicide by cop.
The recent upsurge in cases of police brutality has increased the criticism that suicide by
cop faces. For instance, two St. Louis police officers shot a 25-year-old black man who
supposedly came at wielding a knife screaming “ Shoot me! Shoot me! Shoot me now,
motherfucker!” Seconds into his rant, the victim, Kajieme Powell the police complied with his
demands. While Powell actions support the local authorities conclusion that it was a suicide by
cop, critics continue to describe the term as showcasing that the death of the subject is inevitable.
They maintain that in Powell’s case, it was not a situation of kill or be killed for the officers.
While the victim was armed with a knife, he was not carrying a firearm. Moreover, the officers
took less than 20 seconds to open fire since they left their car (Voorhees , 2014). Commentators
insist that the police officer had an option of using a non-lethal weapon such as a Taser since
Powell did not carry a firearm and was not within the distance of stabbing anyone. Critics insist
on the importance of distinguishing circumstances that fuel the impulsive decision by individuals
to commit suicide by cop. There should be a distinction between a person who is resisting arrest
and a suicidal person that is actively seeking the police to end his or her life. Commentators
opposing suicide cop maintain without this distinction suicide by cop is an excuse to cases of
police injustice.
Effects to the officer
Suicide by cop attracts attention since it leaves two victims the subject and the officer
that fired the shoot. While self-murder is typically disturbing, suicide by cop is much more
troubling since the officer is left second-guessing his actions and if whether he should have taken
different measures. A study that analyzed 700 officers involved shootings in America reported
that more than 35% are reported as suicides by cop. However in the total suicides by cop, only
30% were found to be preplanned based on the pre-seizure evidence such as a suicide note. The
remaining 70 percent were classified as impulsive decisions made by the suspect on
confrontation with a police officer (Voorhees , 2014). These statistics coupled with the negative
publicity that police-involved shootings often receive in the USA, illustrates that the police
officer in question may doubt their actions. In a profession as a law enforcing where decisions of
the officer directly affect the lives of people in the society, doubt is an enormously adverse
emotion. When an individual makes a police officer instrumental in their suicide many people
are involved in reviewing, judging and condemning. In many circumstances, the contempt and
the judgment are directed towards the officer. Whether legal action is taken or not, suicide by
cop weighs on the individual officer since his primary duty is to protect life. Shooting a citizen
even when legally justified devastates the officer.
Reduction of suicide by cop
Since suicide by cop often attracts litigation, it is essential for police departments across
the USA to train officers on how to better recognize when an individual is attempting suicide and
ohow to react on recognition of such signs. The training should be a priority in police
departments considering the increased frequency of suicide by cop incidents in the previous
decade and the subsequent lawsuits that such cases attract. Despite the legal implications of
suicide by cops, such incidents pose considerable sociological problem to the entire American
society. It is vital for police officers to employ nonlethal force in containing a suspect whenever
possible (Azizi , 2011). As mentioned, many suicide by cop shootings involves people with
certain traits from poverty, mental illness or drug addicts. It is necessary for law enforcement
departments to devote resources to educating the officers of the principal circumstances that
often result in suicide by cop incidents.
The police departments should realize the importance of good relations with the
residents. Suicide by cop incidents usually attracts controversial reviews which may threaten the
police-community interactions when the public deems the shootings as brutal, unjustified or even
prejudiced. In recent years, many police departments have dedicated resources to researching and
training their officers on how to efficiently address suicide by police incidents. For instance, the
Crisis Intervention Teams educates law enforcement officers on how to handle mentally ill
individuals exploiting police authority in efforts to coerce the officer to shoot (Voorhees , 2014).
Suicides by cop is a term that showcases instances that a suspect provokes a law
enforcement officer to use lethal force. The term has been used since the 1980s when officer-
turned suicide alert operator describes his experience watching people intentionally goading a
police officer to shoot. Statistics indicate the in the past decade cases of suicide by cops has been
on the rise in the USA. Moreover, incidents of police assisted suicide are common in white men.
Individuals involved in suicide by cops have similar characteristics such as mental illness,
intoxication during the event, addiction among others. It is essential for legal implications of
suicide by cops to be addressed to avoid cases where lack of police officers professionalism is
excused as suicide by cops. The article asserts that it is the responsibility of the police officers to
keep suicide by cop incidents at minimal by learning to recognize suicidal intents and using
lethal force only in situations that warrant it.
Azizi , R. (2011). When Individuals Seek Death at the Hands of the Police: The legal and Policy
Implications of Suicide by Cop and Why Police Officers Should Use Nonlethal Force in
Dealting with Suicidal Suspects. Golden Gate University Law Review, 183-212.
Health Research Funding Organization . (2014, August 20). 6 Surprising Suicide by cop statistics
. Retrieved from Health Research Funding Organization :
Lord , V. B. (2012). Factors Influencing Subject's Observed Level of Suicide by Cop Intent .
Criminal Justice and Behaviour Journal , 1633-1646.
Mohandie, k., & Meloy, R. (2011). Suicide by Cop among Female Subjects in Officer-involved
Shooting cases . Journal of Forensic Sciences , 664-668.
Voorhees , J. (2014, August 27). The Problem with "Suicide by Cop": The dangerous term that
stops us from asking hard questions about police shootings . Retrieved from Slate Politics
: www.slate.com/articles/news-and-politics/politics/2014/

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