if political parties in state, interest groups tend to be weak, and if interest groups are strong,
political parties tend to be weak. In other instances, interest groups have the same goals as
political parties. For illustration, the conservative Citizen Group Club for Growth shares the
same goal with the Republican Party. Their goal is to have a conservative republican candidate
hold office. Correspondingly, the AFL-CIO labor union shares the goal of electing democrats
who are favorable to labor union’s concerns to office with the Democratic Party (Nownes, 2013).
Some of the ways in which symbiotic relationship connecting political parties and interest groups
is enhanced include contributing money to a political party, spending money on behalf of the
political party, aiding candidates win office and working with party leaders in government.
3. How interest groups try to influence the president and Congress
Leaders of special interest groups and members of congress have extremely differing points
of view on the pertinent significance of each to the other. Members of the congress view interest
groups as actors influencing the legislative process. Lawmakers have to take into account appeals
from the white house, congressional political party leaders, their constituents, as well as those
from interest groups. On the other hand, interest groups perceive the congress as one of the
numerous institutions with power to determine policy outcomes (Wright, 1996). Interest groups
have to contend with the judicial system, bureaucratic agencies and the president, each of which
may exercise substantial influence over the attainment of policy goals.
Interest groups and lobbyists are advocates of various issues especially the American
elections in various ways. Interest groups have an impact on the quality of campaigns, elections
and on governing after candidates are elected. Interest groups essentially influence the manner in
which issues and problems are structured, and eventually the manner in which policy is made by