of it since they cannot afford the designs and capital to implement them when offered. Therefore,
this paper discusses how architectural experts have neglected the city, the poor and middle-class
people to concentrate on the rich people following cost and availability constraints.
Discrimination of the poor in the construction of architectural buildings started back in the
time of Le Corbusier who was the planner of modern houses. According to Le Corbusier, Pierre
Jeanneret (1971) used to construct beautiful buildings following the architectural revolution. In
their constructions cost and availability constraints made them not to consider low income earners
because they constructed lavish buildings which can only be used by stars and rich people who
have the power to pay. In their construction, they focused on environments which had fewer
constraints regarding cost and availability which could be afforded by the rich people. The
common features of the buildings they construct are very high to be afforded by the low-income
earners. Due to this reason, the poor had no reason to appreciate the beautiful work of the architects
since they are not part of it. Therefore, people could only appreciate what they could access and
According to Learning from Pop, Denise Scott Brown considered renewal of urban cities
to be socially harmful since it does not have economic benefit to the architects. Following the
criticism Herbert Gans argued that high style architects should produce what people want/need for
them to be appreciated for their work. Additionally, during those times it did not consider average
people who cannot afford that high class life because their earnings do not allow them. Denise
Scott Brown argued that the architectural sensitivity is characterized by what people need and
pluralism. The sensitivity to people need is determined by the income range, lifestyle, and family
composition. All the architects tend to go to super stars’ people to design and implement new
things for them since rich people are not constrained by the cost of building houses as the poor and