The three flags by Jasper John in 1954 was his signature painting that represented the
American flag. This painting was made up by using hot wax on three canvases. The canvas
materials were arranged to create a 3D look through a tier arrangement that allowed the flag to
reduce by 25% in size. The painting seeks to draw the attention of the viewer due to its reversed
perspective as only the top flag is fully visible as the rest are obscured. Jasper's work can be
classified as abstract art due to the similarities it shares with other abstract art pieces. One such
characteristic is the use of geometric objects such as squares, stars and lines that represent the
American flag. Secondly, abstract art also focuses on virtues or carry a moral dimension to it
with Jasper's work as an embodiment to the undying American spirit. As such, Jasper's work can
be classified as a piece of abstract work.
There have been conflicting debates regarding Robert Rauschenberg's work, Canyon on
whether it is a sculpture, painting or a combination of both two. This is because his work, the
Canyon made use of a printed paper, photographs and bits of a shirt that were held by house
paint. The lower part consists of a stuffed eagle that had outstretched wings and looks like it was
about to fly away from the opened box. Rauschenberg's work cannot be classified as either pop
art or abstract art. It belongs to a special category of artwork referred to as 'combines'. 'combines'
refers to artistic works that involved attaching objects and extraneous materials to canvas thereby
challenging the conventional ways of artwork. While some artists praised Rauschenberg's
creativity, others saw it as a violation of art rules.