Surname 2
The books protagonist character Young-hye takes the victims of circumstances part being
expedited through second parties like her father, her sister-in-law’s husband, and her husband.
Her voice seems to be silent. Hang uses a calm voice to illustrate the untold suffering women
goes by pursuing things that are against their expectations only to please family members. The
protagonist is framed by the male counterparts jeopardizing their identity in the society.
In my opinion, it is imperative that the controversial theme of feminism in Korean culture
contributes to the book’s popularity in the world. Hang effectively manages to highlight the
Korean culture that shapes the behavior and identity of members of the family. Sometimes,
family members demand too much from upcoming child drifting away from her ambitions and
expectations to please them. When Young-hye quits eating meat, she tries to identify herself and
pursue what satisfy her ambitions. However, these disrupt her immediate family members’ lives
causing her to bear the consequences. Her brother deceives her to having sex with her, her father
forces meat in her mouth too (Han and Deborah). The mistreatment signifies that she is unable to
make a decision in the house even regarding her personal welfare as a woman without involving
a man.
Young-hye suffers abuse and mistreatment due to the disobedience to the strict Korean
patriarchal culture. Her primary oppressors are her husband, sister-in-law’s husband, and father.
Her husband cornered her in a marriage without love. All she does in the house is to make her
husband happy despite sexual harassment and psychological torture she undergoes. Her real
father turns against her and physically molests leading to twisting of her wrist. What’s more, her
brother-law tricks her into having sex (incest) that is against the tradition but later disowns her
for making him cheat on his wife. Ultimately, the play ends with the sisters left together. They
face rejection from all the men they had in their lives because of failing to comply with their