The first section of this essay discusses the history of artificial intelligence. It shows
how innovation contributed to the origin of artificial intelligence. In the second section, the
social acceptance of artificial intelligence is discussed. Notably, the innovation and use of AI
has raised questions on its application to practices that otherwise required human attention and
services. It is also apparent that the AI has various positive and negative effects. These are
discussed in the third and fourth sections respectively. The fifth section discusses the AI legal
substitutions in the field while the sixth section is a highlight of the potential laws and
guidelines that should be instituted to guide the use of AI. The seventh section, titled man vs.
animal, this essay discussed who should be assigned to more tasks between AI and human
beings. The tussle on whom to blame in case of mistakes when AI is used is also discussed in
the eighth section. The final section is a conclusion of the contents of the essay, as well as a
comprehensive response to the issues addressed in the essay.
The History of Artificial Intelligence
The principles of Artificial Intelligence are old, and some of the earliest principlesthem
date back as early as the 1950s. The grandfather of A.I, Norbert Wiener, was one of the first
Americans to take A.I. into account. Wiener contributed used the feedback from a thermostat
which was the correct temperature inside of a house to be evidence of intelligence in a machine.
It was this idea that would generate contribute more to come relating intelligence to machines.
Then inIn 1955, three men by the name of Allen Newell, John Shaw, and Herbert Simon created
what is believed to be the first artificial intelligence program by the name of “The Logic
Theorist.” The program was designed to emulate human intelligence and acted as the spring
board for the “grandfather” of artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, to assemble the ‘minds’ in
the field of A.I. for a monthly brainstorming session. Though the assemblies provedn to be less
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