activities involve communication and collaboration, which are again essential in the
educational setting. Arts are perceived to be an integrative tool where different elements that
may hinder effective learning are resolved (Cornett, 2015). Particularly, education that is
based on arts creates an opportunity to engage a diverse student population. Broader
engagement is an effective method of ensuring common progression in learning as all
students are involved in art-induced learning – particularly benefiting learners who are at risk
of underachieving. For instance, learners from minority communities or those who may be
disadvantaged by some factor access greater opportunities for learning in an art-based
Art-induced curriculums address the 5Ps of people, places, principles, pedagogy, and
programs which are central to positive learning outcomes. Art-induced learning programs
effectively address the psychosocial needs of both learners and instructors. In this dimension,
aspects of learning such as creativity, the role of the teacher, and specific learner
characteristics are accorded the necessary importance allowing for the development of need-
specific solutions (Cornett, 2015). Similarly, the principles of learning are better developed in
an environment with greater instructor-learner engagement at the different levels of
education; art provides opportunities for positive peer and instructor influence. There exist an
innate connection between education, which shapes academic achievement. Here, the
learning setting is a vital to influence on how learners perceive and relate to learning
activities. It is essential that an enabling learning environment is created to allow improved
engagement with peers, instructors, and learning resources. The integration of dance into the
learning setting enables both the learners and instructors to exist in an environment where
learning needs are easily identified and addressed.
While developing or incorporating learning art into the learning framework,
consideration must be given to the suitability of activities for their intended student