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15 February 2017
Assessment of Which Part of the Skin is More Sensitive to Touch
This paper intends to assess which area of the skin is most sensitive to touch. It was
hypothesized that the finger is the most sensitive part of the skin hence a research study was
undertaken to prove this. After undertaking the successful research study the hypothesis that the
finger is the most sensitive part of the skin was proven to be true.
Background-The skin is made up of somatosensory system that is responsible for all the
sensation we feel from coldness, hotness, smooth or rough sensation, pressure, tickling, itching
sensation, to painful and vibratory stimuli. The somatosensory system is made up of 4 subtypes
i.e. mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, pain receptors and proprioceptors (Samuel and MagR,
The touch receptors are further divided into slow adapting and rapidly adapting. The slow
adapting do not responding to stimuli very fast, they are exemplary in sensing pressure caused by
an object on the skin but cannot determine when the stimulus started or ended while the rapidly
adapting responds fast but cannot sense the duration of the stimulus on the skin (Barrett et al).
When the skin comes into contact with anything the sensory neurons receive signals and in
response the neurons discharge signals that are taken to the brain where they are interpreted
(Yuhas, 2017). Over the year it has been scientifically proven that some part of the body are