was then set at a value just below the saturation point. Lastly, the amplitude of the output signal
was measured, and the maximum voltage gain of the amplifier was calculated.
Frequency Response and Bandwidth
The amplifier volume was adjusted to half using the potentiometer. Subsequently, the input
signal was set to a sine wave of approximately 100 mV (V
). After that, the output amplitude
was recorded while changing the frequency from 20 Hz to 500 kHz. From the results obtained, a
graph of output voltage gain as a function of input frequency was plotted on a semi-log graph
paper. Furthermore, the bandwidth of the audio amplifier was calculated.
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
The volume level was set to about half the maximum volume and the noise level measured
without connecting the input. Subsequently, the input was set to a sine wave of 100 mV (V
amplitude and the output signal was measured. Afterward, the SNR was calculated in dB. The
procedure was then repeated with a lower volume that was just audible, and the two resultant
SNR values were compared.
Limits of Circuit Design
The set up was changed to a square wave of amplitude 100 mV (V
) and 150 Hz. Next, the input
and output waveforms were recorded. Finally, the output waveforms were noted down as
frequency was increased from to 1500 Hz, 6 kHz, 12 kHz, 40 kHz, and 120 kHz.