from listening. It results from complete lack of listening behavior or turning out in response to
partners request to change through criticism, nagging, and concern. It is often displayed when a
couple engages in patterns of demand-withdraw behavior. While anger is associated with an
increase in somatic activities and activation of the cardiovascular, stonewalling is involved in a
decrease of somatic activity and increased muscle tension (Haase et al., 2016).
Some of the effects of anger on body activities are expressive behaviors such as widened
eyes, lowered eyebrows, pressed lips. Vocal expressions include a sudden elevation of tempo,
amplitude, and pitch. Some of the expressive behavior involved with stonewalling include
appearance of a frozen and stiff face, rigid neck muscles, and clenched jaw. The verbal expressions
include silence or monosyllabic answers.
Haase et al.’ study (2016), included socio-demographic aspects of religion and ethnicity.
Some of the cultural differences in distribution attachment involved the blacks 6%, Hispanics 3%,
Asian 3% and religion which involved either Catholics or Protestants at 61%. They were primarily
Caucasian (86%). As a result, the original sample which was recruited in 1989, was from San
Francisco Bay Area in California. Nevertheless, the findings hardly generalized to other samples
to spouses or of spouses from other cultures. This is because the data was derived from a given
sample designed to be typical longstanding marriages of particular ages and geographic regions.
The participants were acquired from a longitudinal (ongoing) study of the longstanding
marriages where 156 couples were involved. It constituted of 82 middle-aged couples of ages
between 40 to 50 and 74 couples in older group individuals aged between 60 and 70. It involved
an initial sample for San Fransico Bay area, California and matched socio-demographic aspects.
The resulting sample was Caucasian, Protestant or Catholic, with children and relatively well-off
socioeconomically. The procedure involved assessment of data at four-time points in 20 years.