conditions such as cardiovascular problems. The better the sleep one undertakes, the healthier
their heart becomes. Based on the benefits the heart gains from enough sleep, it can be
considered healthy and wholesome in the fight against heart diseases (Margaret, 2016).
Sleep improves one’s immune system greatly in different aspects. As it improves an
individual’s mental status, the risk of stress declines significantly. Consequently, one develops
healthy body weight which is integral in the maintenance of a strong immune system.
Researchers have discovered that people who lack sufficient sleep are more likely to develop
sickness after exposure to the risk factors such as a common cold virus. Depriving oneself of
sleep reduces the production rate of protective cytokines. Insufficient sleep leads to decreased
disease-fighting antibodies, as well as increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes and blood
vessel diseases (Margaret, 2016). Clearly, one should have the optimal amount of sleep necessary
for their health in order to bolster their immunity against infections.
Despite one’s will to take sleep seriously, they may develop insomnia or irregular
sleeping habits. However, there are several simple means of improving one’s sleep. Avoiding
drug and substance abuse helps in improving sleep. Stimulants such as caffeine obviate the need
to sleep. Hence developing insomnia and poor sleeping habits. Such should be strictly avoided
for the enhancement of one’s sleep habits. Doing regular physical exercise is another great factor
in the improvement of sleep. Vigorous work out patterns have been proven to improve one’s
sleep considerably. Evidently, it is greatly advisable to avoid drug abuse and involve oneself in
regular exercise sessions for any reasonable development of good sleep.
Apparently, it is conclusive that lack of adequate sleep is a serious threat to one’s life in
numerous respects. It leads to one’s health deteriorating, as well as leading to poor memory and
cognitive capacities. Their immune system declines and they become vulnerable to infections.