Doctrine and Belief
The word “belief” refers to the conviction that one holds pertaining to something as being
true. Soccio (2012) defines belief as “the subjective mental acceptance that a claim is true”
(p.13).A belief does not necessarily have to be true as it is a subjective mental state. On the other
hand, the word “doctrine” refers to the “body of teachings that a particular assembly believes in,
and by which their lives are governed” (Everard, 2012, p.55).The word is derived from the Greek
word ‘doctrina’, meaning “teaching,” “body of beliefs/views” (McGrath, 2015, p.3). It can also
be referred to as a set or system of beliefs which are taught to a group of people as truths to be
believed in. Doctrines are based on a sacred text which is considered as the divine revelation of
truth. In Christianity, doctrines are derived from the holy bible where some of the examples
include: the doctrine of trinity i.e. there is only one God who exists in three equal parts (the Holy
Trinity) i.e. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of creation where God is the
creator of the universe among others. This essay explains how the word belief is essentially
synonymous with the word doctrine, identifies my vocation of choice upon graduation, and
provides specific examples of how the theological truth is lived out in my chosen vocation.
The word “belief” is synonymous with the word “doctrine” because a doctrine is essentially
supposed to be believed by a group of people as the truths hence both of them entail the aspect of
“believing”. In addition, doctrines are made up of sets of beliefs, teachings, and dogmas which
are considered by a certain church or denomination to be the official truth. In theological realms,
doctrines are regarded as beliefs that have a special status since they have been codified and
regarded as the official teachings of a particular denomination,religion.Doctrines are made up of
a set of beliefs hence they are essentially similar. Doctrines and beliefs are essentially beliefs and
the only difference is that doctrines are institutionalized beliefs or are beliefs of the entire church