Surname 3
scanned before you enter a building while being apprehended which makes it creepy, embracing
and uncomfortable but it’s the new norm of society.
A suicide bomber does not require escape plans, rescue team or delayed detonation
because it involves taking his/ her own life and those of others. This has resulted to the great
success suicide attacks have had in the recent past accounting for around 32 % of deaths
resulting to terrorism attack. Various terrorism groups have mushroomed and use this tactic
widely including, Kurdistan workers Party, Chechen separatists, Taliban, Al-Qaeda (12),
Liberation Tigers, Al-shabab, Hamas, Ansar al-sunna, Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigade
and Hezbollah. As a result of these tactics of terrorism, more than 45,000 lives have been
claimed as of 2015 in about 40 countries. A lot more have been injured and the scars are not
healable. Security tension has increased in the target countries and freedom of movement and
conventional gatherings have been feared of. Security advancement technologies have been
innovated like the laser beam scanners for weaponry. In the attacking countries, more children
are losing their lives to this devastating ‘heroic acts’ and anguish is left with the bereaved
families. Islamic doctrines have been fine tuned to brainwash those giving themselves for suicide
bombing (5).
There is no course of action without gains and setbacks. Suicide bombing as a biological
terrorism tactic is seen as a successful game play as little effort is required to cause harm and
create an audience. It is the revolution of terrorism and is defines as the despair cry for help (4)
and the solution offered is own death to end of suffering and making other people pay for owns
suffering. The advantages on the attacking nation of using biological weapons in terrorism are:
The bomb is in itself very effective