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“The Two Offers”
Frances Harper in her tale “The Two Offers”, a story written in 1859 has its basis
on the ideologies of the middle class female of the nineteenth century. The main focus of
the story is on problems of wife abuse, drunkenness and wife abuse (Kanwar 87). The
author features two women, who both have had to bear with disappointments and
heartbreaks that result from the love affairs that they have with their men. The two
women are namely Janette and Laura (Rosenthal 497). The latter is portrayed as a woman
who is wrestled with agony and has despaired in love as she dies untimely, while the
former is portrayed as a woman who sought her strength from suffering. The story is
meant to serve the general public as the author does not write with commitment to self
but with commitment to the group.
In her writing of the story, the main theme that can be deduced is that she is not
an individualistic author. The genre of writing of the tale is in a poem form as the author
was used to this form of writing. A theme that comes to play in the story is love (Scheick
14). The story focuses on a woman whose sole aim in life is to pursue romance, love and
marriage. In the book, Frances encourages women to develop their careers and utilize
their true capacity. The author argues that the possession of human love will not serve as
full satisfaction for the whole being of the woman. The story focuses on women
development and this theme is brought out strongly in her writings. In her writings, the