agency also concentrated on tracing illegal immigrants and removing them once they were
prosecuted. It is without query that interdiction leads to an extensive public notice and media
recognition, but it is not as efficient as prevention. Also, the costs related to identifying, tracking,
prosecuting, and deporting illegal aliens are quite high, costs that aren't associated with an
effective prevention program. A comprehensive prevention program comprising cooperation
with the Mexican and Canadian governments is by far the most promising strategy.
Unfortunately, such an approach hasn't come to full fruition.
Border security turned out to be an explosive political issue as many illegal migrants
flooded across our southern border. An example, in 2005, Governor Bill Richardson of New
Mexico and Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona announced a state of emergency as a result of
the number of illegal immigrants crossing their borders. Arizona, in 2010, passed a stern
immigration law intended to control illegal immigrants. Chair of the House Armed Services
Committee Duncan Hunter suggested building two twin walls extending from the Pacific Ocean
to the Gulf of Mexico, even though Michael Chertoff, then secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security, advised that such a fence would be high-priced (Global Security, undated-
A). Some have referred to this primary sense as the "great wall of Mexico" (Global Security,
undated-b). The cost and debate ensued in a compromise whereby physical barriers and Customs
and Border Protection agents were increased, and other forms of border monitoring were
deployed. The main programs executed by the Department of Homeland Security to secure our
borders have been the Secure Border Initiative (SBI), which is a multiyear project that tries to
secure our northern and southern borders. The SBI is anticipated to be comprehensive,
addressing some deficiencies that have led to increased illegal immigration. According to the
DHS, the primary components of the SBJ include the following: