. The Africans started achieving justice and equality for all as they had a desire of
controlling their future. Many people who lived near the whites were favored because
developments within the colonies were unequally shared. However, as the colonialism was being
ended, post- colonial communities had legitimacy crisis. As a counter method, there were
ideologies introduced to take the legitimacy of religion. Amongst them were social contacts,
representative government and other variations of democracy were experienced not forgetting
the theories about authoritarianism. Subsequently, emergence of varying households was also a
major impact of colonialism and resistance. Colonialism in Kenya put the peasant Kenyans
household against capitalist enterprise. The varied reaction of the peasant households to British
capitalist labor demands resulted in the emergence of many household types which included:
commodity producing households, labor exporting households, squatter households and working
class households. Further, colonialism led to African squatters. The squatters were Africans
living, cultivating and livestock grazing on a different land. Settlers could only allow Africans to
live on their land so as to secure a continuous supply of labor. In the reserves where Africans
were restricted, there were food shortages which led Africans to become squatters same as desire
to escape the education and missionaries which were becoming hard in the reserves than on
settler farms.
Kenyans were subject to unequal distribution of wealth and income. Past study supports
the proposition that possession of land put a floor under real wages in the peasant Kenyan
colony. The labors were then enabled to migrate into export-crop farming regions to have a share
of the gains of the exports. In addition, there was a decline in rural African living standards for a
long period within the 20
century. Notably, the living standards of the indigenous people were
a record of settler colonialism. In the areas where the British took land on a large scale, that