the intended message, proper venues, understanding of interpersonal relationships, and emotional
intelligence among other concepts. Business communication is facilitated by the awareness the
domain of success in the contemporary business world is guided by teamwork and no manager is
able to achieve the objectives of the organization on their own. Forming this introductory
understanding of business communication for managers, this paper is aimed at presenting the
ideologies of business communication, including self-awareness, emotional intelligence,
interpersonal relationships and other important aspects for effective communication for
managers. The paper will critically analyze these concepts with close relevance to class texts and
the presentation of scholars in the field. From the discussion, the paper will then delve into a
conclusion and summary of the important aspects.
Communication for managers in decision making and teamwork
It is the role of any manager in a business organization to guide the team and invoke the decision
making processes (Thornton 1992). For teamwork to materialize, the manager must ensure that
through effective communication of aspects, the team is focused, framed and well facilitated.
Facilitation is the process by which a process or meeting is made easy by the application of
processes that allow participants to have a common goal and flow towards it (McClendon, Burke
& Willey 2010). As aforementioned, one of the ways in which communication is achieved is
through meetings. In decision making, meetings must be held, so that the contributions of
various members are applied in the information of the final decision. A decision making meeting
involves several steps. The steps applied in the process of any decision making include definition
of the problem, collection and analysis of data, generation of alternatives; through
communication, evaluation of the alternatives, selection of the most favorable and agreeable
alternative and implementation of the decision made (Thornton 1992). As is expected in a