utilizing a company’s strength in venturing into new opportunities. Al Jamar technologies ltd
has the capability of opening up new plants to increase productivity and meet the ever-
growing demand for their products. The company also use its huge financial muscle to
venture into the exports business, thereby increasing its sales and revenue. The next
opportunity that Al Jamar technologies ltd can opt to undertake is buying off the small
companies and incorporating them in their business model which will enable them increase
their local market share while also reducing competition.
Weakness/opportunity (WO)
The strategy under WO is oriented with turning a weakness of a company to being an
opportunity. The key goal is to limit or mitigate the weakness while optimizing on the
opportunities. The most prominent weakness in Al Jamar technologies ltd is seen after its
Initial Public Offer, it resulted to many owners and voices during decision making. Therefore,
the process of making decisions within the company has been so strenuous. This weakness
can be mitigated by the company exploring new dimensions of leadership by implementing
the separate entity clause. The opportunities the company can seek due to this weakness is
seeking government support through tax incentives which is common when companies are
listed. The new shareholders can also be the new marketers of the company’s products
through constant updates to shareholders on the progress the company is making, the new
products being launched and ultimately letting them be part of the company by sharing
information on regular basis.
Weakness/threat (WT)
This is the least appealing type of strategy it entails minimizing the weakness while avoiding
possible threats. It is also known as a mini-mini strategy. Al Jamar technologies ltd is
involved in manufacturing industry. The one threat is inventory mismanagement and