
Campaign Strategy 1
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Campaign Strategy 2
Executive Summary
The use of social media marketing by Bikeabike Company to promote its brand and build
awareness on sustainability is a commendable strategy in the current age to achieve massive
response. The campaign is targeted towards protecting the environment and the community and
will benefit through awareness created on the brand. Being a newcomer in the market, the
company faces competition from existing companies but its social media campaign strategy and
technological finesse is a strength which if utilized will provide successful results. The campaign
will target the users of social media as well as media outlets and local and international
communities. The main target of social media users is based on the power that social networks
have in the exchange and implementation of information. The key message will be the critical
nature of the environment to us and the zone strategy will be social media entertainment. The
campaign is scheduled to start on the first day of December 2017 to the 28
of August 2018. The
campaign has a working budget of €1,870,000 and will use key performance indicators on the
social media platforms to measure progress and success.
Campaign Strategy 3
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Sustainability Saves Campaign ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Situational Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Internal Environment ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 External Environment ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Strengths ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Opportunities ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Threats ............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.0 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Target Audience .................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Consumers on Social Media ........................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Media outlets ................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Local Community ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.4 International Community ................................................................................................................ 8
6.0 Key Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 8
7.0 Social Media Zone Strategy ................................................................................................................ 8
8.0 Activation Plan .................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Campaign Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 9
8.2 Timing ........................................................................................................................................... 10
8.3 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 10
8.4 Budget ........................................................................................................................................... 11
9.0 Monitoring and Evaluation ............................................................................................................... 11
10.0 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Reference List ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Campaign Strategy 4
1.0 Introduction
Bikeabike Company is an upcoming bike share organization in Australia whose main objectives
is to enable cheap and sustainable transportation around the world. Given that the company is
still new in Australia, there has been a dire need to effectively market its services not only in
Australia but throughout the global regions where its companies are located as well as
prospective markets. The company will employ the use of an online campaign strategy with the
theme of Sustainable Saves to spread information about climate change and elevate awareness of
the company as well.
The use of social media in current marketing practices has been rated among the most successful
strategies based on the qualities of social media where there is a tyranny of numbers and
immense participation (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). In their article on Crisis Informatics, Palen and
Anderson (2016) state that social media represents a wide array of ideas, opinions and behavior
that can be used in the response of different circumstances. Furthermore, Palen and Anderson
(2016, 2) emphasize the importance of social media through noting the weight that social media
has on researchers and managers. This retro respect paper will therefore explain the online
campaign strategy for Bikeabike in their bid to improve their consumer range while creating
awareness on climate change.
1.1 Sustainability Saves Campaign
Sustainable transport is one of Bikeabike’s key values hence the idea for sustainability that is
meant to be communicated through the campaign. While Sustainability Saves campaign is a
unique opportunity to launch awareness on climate change and sustainability, the company plans
to initiate a long term program from the campaign that will ensure continuity of the message on
sustainability. Online media is central to the campaign especially given its special attributes of
rapid spread of information and influence on particular subjects. The use of an online marketing
strategy will further reach the entire market of Bikeabike in the different countries that its
services are provided as well as additional potential market.
1.2 Mission Statement
Green Future: Committed towards protecting the environment and the community
Campaign Strategy 5
2.0 Situational Analysis
2.1 Internal Environment
Among the activities in the overall marketing plan of the campaign include cycling challenges in
different attractive destinations that can be used to influence social media viewing and the spread
of information about the Sustainability Saves campaign. The corporate culture is furthermore
supportive of the use of social media particularly given that Bikeabike operates using a mobile
application to render its services. The integration of social media into the campaign will thus be
smooth as there is an online platform present for the organization. Policies and procedures
however need to be clearly established particularly regarding the exact tone that needs to be
presented as well as clarity on the objective of sustainability.
2.2 External Environment
Bikeabike customers use the Bikeabike mobile app which means that they are inadvertently
linked to the social media platform. Easley and Kleinberg (2010) discuss the power in social
networks based on the attributes of that the power can provide. The use of social media is an
advantage for the campaign as the consumers are already using it which makes transition into the
campaign easy enough. Secondly, social media relays information at a very swift pace making
the global intention of the campaign plausible. As discussed by Easley and Kleinberg (2010,
341), the dependence, satiation, exclusion and betweenness in social networks provides a strong
tie that makes information passed by peers relevant.
Bikeabike’s competition is minimal but still potentially risky since the campaign plans to gain a
significant market share in Australia. The competition includes Obike and Reddy Go which have
the advantage of an upstart in the bike share service market (Dunn, 2017). The two competitors
have not however heavily invested in social media marketing and Obike currently has negative
social media ratings due to the dumping of its bikes in inappropriate areas. Reddy Go on the
other hand has a strong FaceBook standing with an offer where users can tag the company and
get five free rides. Bikeabike has the opportunity to comprehensively work on the social media
through the Sustainability Saves campaign while its competitors are still working on their basic
Campaign Strategy 6
Social media is a contemporary trend that if best angled, will influence the participation of the
public into the campaign. There are minimum restrictions on social media and users can interact
across different boundaries (Ngai et al, 2015). There may however be political consequences on
social media marketing on sustainability particularly in regions where sustainability practices
have not been well implemented (Pike & Page, 2014). Technologically, social media is an
innovative trend that keeps getting upgraded to best suit the growing expectations of consumers
(Ngai et al, 2015).
3.0 SWOT Analysis
3.1 Strengths
Bikeabike has an established technological platform with social media applications in
The technological system of Bikeabike is up to date with the most recent features to
ensure that its operations run smoothly
The bike sharing service still new in the country and its trend has generated a lot of social
media attention
The online marketing strategy costs way less and thus the company will get real value
from its campaign
Bikeabike can carry out its campaign all over the globe in places where its services are
rendered such as Dubai and London as well as other new markets
3.2 Weaknesses
From the social media platform of Bikeabike’s competitors, the reception of bike sharing
services is not good enough
The company may easily be discredited on social media with one wrong comment
whether proven true or false
3.3 Opportunities
Bikabike has the opportunity to reach out to different markets globally through the social
media campaign
The company can partner with the social media platforms to actively advertise to diverse
subscribers of the social media platforms
Campaign Strategy 7
3.4 Threats
There are many sustainability campaigns that may make the audience undermine
Bikeabike’s campaign
Political regimes in different countries may negatively affect the social media activities
thus making the campaign ineffective
4.0 Objectives
To build awareness on the causes and effects of climate change globally
To challenge the campaign audience in doing the suggested campaign activities and
posting them online
To mobilize individuals in Canberra and across the world to adopt sustainability practices
To secure long term viability of the organization through reaching out to a significant
mass of members
5.0 Target Audience
5.1 Consumers on Social Media
The online campaign will target social media users of the ages 18 to 40. This age bracket
constitutes persons who have adequate literacy in the use of social media as well as the ability to
cycle and perform other activities related to sustainability and post them online under the
campaign theme. The campaign will additionally educate consumers of Bikeabike online and
encourage them to educate others and share messages through their profiles and posts. Social
media has made remote interaction possible in a broad and public network (Easley & Kleinberg,
Sensis (2017) reveals that 84% of Australians use the internet daily. The reports further states
that internet use is prevalent among users between the ages 18 to 30. 35% of users have visited
social networking sites more than five times a day in the current year. From the report, females
in Australia visit social networking sites more than males. Facebook has the highest amount of
users followed by Youtube, Snapchat, Twitter then LinkedIn. From the data by Sensis report
(2017) the campaign will target eighteen year olds to forty year olds and mainly employ the use
of Facebook. Other network sites will still be used to reach out to the user on Twitter Youtube
and Snapchat.
Campaign Strategy 8
5.2 Media outlets
In the current age, mass media and social media have the largest influence on information
(Hennig-Thurau et al, 2013). The campaign will target media outlets including print and visual
mass media to spread information about eh campaign as well as join in on the campaign. The
main message in the campaign will be the awareness of sustainability and encouragement to
subscribers to post information, images and videos of practices that enhance sustainability.
5.3 Local Community
The campaign will greatly strategize on using the features and activities in the local community
and post them over the campaign website to start the trend on Sustainability Saves. Given that
the local community has vested interest in conserving their environment, Bikeabike will be able
to reach out to them from employees of the company to the users in the local community and
other community stakeholders. Easley & Kleinberg (2010) demonstrate the power in social
networks through establishing favorable terms that can be gained from a stable network
5.4 International Community
For the campaign to reach its global objective, the campaign management team will have to use
international strategies that influence the international community. Among the strategies
involved will be the use of different languages in the key message sent out to across the social
media. The campaign will also feature different aspects of the environmental attractions in
different global locations and activities that subscribers are engaging in to preserve them
6.0 Key Messages
The environment is critical to our existence
Bikeabike is a sustainable way of transportation as is meant to reduce carbon footprint
Bikeabike encourages the practice of sustainability to protect the environment and is in
itself a sustainable company
7.0 Social Media Zone Strategy
Sustainability Saves campaign will use the social entertainment zone strategy in the social media
plan to promote the awareness of sustainability and ultimately that of the company (Tuten &
Solomon, 2014). The main event will be cycling and users will be encouraged to post images and
Campaign Strategy 9
videos of them cycling. The campaign will also have a cycling challenge within learning
institutions in Canberra as well as other interested institutions including financial institutions,
government institutions and charity institutions. In order to appeal to consumers and other social
media subscribers, the campaign will require the use of creative design on the web, knowledge
on social media as well as marketing. Social media campaigns need to be planned meticulously
as information posted is spread very fast and the initial impression may make or break the
campaign (Hennig-Thurau et al, 2013). Owing to my experience in an E-commerce company, I
have graphic design skills including social media post images, packaging and event driven
marketing that will be highly essential in the implementation of the strategy. The campaign will
further use celebrities to reach out to the publics as their impact on the media is equally large.
8.0 Activation Plan
Prior to the implementation of Sustainability Saves campaign, the campaign team will meet to
discuss the varied aspects on the plan then put forth a trial campaign. The trial will involve an
online opinion survey on sustainability, knowledge on Bikeabike, sustainable practices that
interest the subscribers as well as environmental concerns in different regions. From this survey
the team will go through and correct the campaign proposal before implementation.
8.1 Campaign Roles and Responsibilities
Campaign manager
Oversee all campaign processes including day
to day operations
Finance director
Responsible for raising money for the
campaign objectives
Communications director
In charge of campaign interactions with the
Putting together the campaign schedule and
seeking out events
Technology manager
Oversee all functions of the web, social media
and physical technological assets
Web site manager
Ensure website functionality
Monitor website performance
Develop content
Campaign Strategy 10
Handle online marketing campaigns
Social media manager
Overseeing the whole social media process
Making decisions on platforms, content,
frequency of posting and strategy
Content creator
Creation of blogs, memes, GIFs, infographics
and video content
Content curator
Following sites that interest the target audience
Joining groups and monitoring discussion with
target audience
Social media advertiser
Identification of the target audience
Creation of advertisement copy for display
Decision on content to promote
Monitoring progress of advertizing
8.2 Timing
The campaign shall run from first December 2017 to 28
August 2018
8.3 Schedule
Definition of campaign
Campaign proposal
Trial through online opinion survey
Creation of campaign website
Creation of founding social media
content for the campaign
News release
PSA release
Posting of local community
campaign activities
Posting of international community
campaign activities
Campaign Strategy 11
Cycling challenge
News release on progress
Campaign end
8.4 Budget
Activity/ item (s)
Media and
Website development
Radio and television ads
Press events
Social media
€690, 000
Travel expenses
Bicycle challenge
€250, 000
9.0 Monitoring and Evaluation
The campaign manager will utilize key performance indicators to measure the progress and
success of Sustainability Saves campaign. On Facebook, progress will be measured through
looking at user profile, posts, likes, favorites and recommendations. On Twitter, engagement will
be measured through looking at the number of followers, likes, tweets, retweets and messages.
On instagram the number of followers will be observed. In all the sites, the number of social
shares will be viewed to establish the effect of the campaign. In the event of a low following and
Campaign Strategy 12
sharing of content, the campaign team will meet up to strategize again on a different course of
10.0 Conclusion
In conclusion therefore, the Sustainability Saves Campaign is viable especially with the strong
message on environment protection and the use of a network that has been determined to be
exceptionally powerful. The campaign however has to bear in mind that social media sensitive
thus messages passed across need to be thoroughly vetted as well as representation from the
company. It is also mandatory to note that online marketing is an exemplary strategy but does
not amount to the perfect strategy. The use of other strategies is therefore encouraged in the
implementation of the campaign to provide backup.
Campaign Strategy 13
Reference List
Ashley, C. and Tuten, T., 2015. Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory
study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing,
32(1), pp.15-27.
Dunn, M., 2017, ‘How do Bike Sharing Services like oBike and ReddyGo make Money?
Available at
Hennig-Thurau, T., Hofacker, C.F. and Bloching, B., 2013. Marketing the pinball way:
understanding how social media change the generation of value for consumers and
companies. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), pp.237-241.
Easley, D. and Kleinberg, J., 2010. Networks, crowds, and markets. Cambridge Univ Press, 6(1),
Ngai, E.W., Tao, S.S. and Moon, K.K., 2015. Social media research: Theories, constructs, and
conceptual frameworks. International Journal of Information Management, 35(1), pp.33-
Palen, L. and Anderson, K.M., 2016. Crisis informaticsNew data for extraordinary times.
Science, 353(6296), pp.224-225.
Pike, S. and Page, S.J., 2014. Destination Marketing Organizations and destination marketing: A
narrative analysis of the literature. Tourism management, 41, pp.202-227.
Sensis Social Media Report 2017. Retrieved from:
Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014. Social media marketing. Sage.

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