Multiculturalism in a country involves coexistence of different cultures due to a country
having people from different countries. Therefore the cultures in this country could include;
different racial groups, religious groups and cultural beliefs hence people manifesting different
behaviors, values, communication styles and living styles. The country of interest is Canada as it
was the main nation to approve multiculturalism as an official rule in the year 1971. With this it
meant that citizens had to recognize and respect the diversity in language, customs, religion,
living styles hence maintaining the dignity of all the Canadians. Canadian Multiculturalism Act
was enacted in the year 1982 in section 27 of the chapter on rights and freedom. The reason
behind Canada having different societies was as a result of the two World Wars making many
people migrate from Europe to Canada. The government could do nothing except accepting these
different society hence enacting law that would protect all people. However, with
multiculturalism many positive and negative things came about in Canada where the positive
outcome surpass the negatives. The following essay analyzes whether multiculturalism in
Canada resulted in more success or less success in the nation. The questions to be answered in
the following essay would be; due to multiculturalism do immigrants allowed to vote and also
allowed to vie for political positions? And do the immigrants given all the rights that they require
as their fellow Canadian citizens.
As a result of multiculturalism, immigrants in Canada are seen as full Canadian citizens.
There are various actions done by the immigrant compared to other nations that show that
multiculturalism is appreciated in Canada. All citizens despite the color, race, religion and ethnic
groups are allowed to vote in Canada. The right to vote shows that all Canadians are seen as the
citizen of the nation. The immigrants are allowed to take leadership roles of all forms. When it
comes to the voters they don’t vote with discrimination. Voters elect their leaders uniformly