which should be higher in number is called HDL while bad cholesterol which should be low in
number is referred to as LDL.
• Elevated platelets- Considering that platelets are produced by the bone marrow, Scott’s
condition, his atrial fibrillation may result in the production of excess number of platelets. The
production of excess platelets leads to clotting. This makes Scott at more risk for a blood clot.
• Carotid artery blockage- - Once the carotid arteries are filled with the plaque, they
become narrowed. Since the plaque is made up of cholesterol and fat, the deposition of these
components to the arteries hardens them making it difficult to deliver oxygenated blood to the
brain. This increases the risk of stroke.
• Left MCA infarct- In Scott’s case, a portion of blood clot that had moved from the aorta,
had blocked the blood flow to the left cerebral artery. This caused a stroke and infarction as well.
Since the oxygenated blood is not able to get to the brain as it should in normal cases, the tissues
become infarcted or even die. In a stroke, there is no production of oxidative phosphylation
which produces energy. Additionally, the cell membrane get altered to allow depolarization
which allows calcium to move into the cell. There is the release of glutamate which causes
abnormal membrane permeability. This allows potassium, sodium and calcium to move into the
cell resulting in cellular edema. This decreases the PH inside and outside hence cause loss of
autoregulation. CT scan reveals whether there is a bleed present or not in order to determine
whether a person is hemorrhaging.
• Elevated blood glucose- Scott has a BMI of 26.1. This indicates that he has obesity. In
this state, the individual has impaired control of glucose secretion. This increases the levels of
glucose in the blood. Again, after a stroke, the blood sugar tends to increase due to stress.
Additionally, Scott has type 11 diabetes which occurs when fatty acids increases in the blood.