Causes of CKD in Miami

Causes of CKD in Miami.
Student Name:
Causes of CKD in Miami. ............................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Prospectus.................................................................................................................................... 5
Problem statement. ...................................................................................................................... 5
Title of investigation ................................................................................................................... 6
Questions of investigation ....................................................................................................... 7
What are the causes of CKD in Miami? .................................................................................. 7
Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 9
Annotated Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 11
Conclusion. ................................................................................................................................ 14
Causes of CKD in Miami.
CKD is a disease affecting human kidneys leading to lose of its normal functionality over
time (Levey and Coresh, 2012). The disease mainly affects elderly people and in some reported
cases, the young are also becoming vulnerable to the disease. The function of the kidney in the
human body is excretion of wastes; including urea, nitrogenous wastes, uric acid as well as
excess salts. A kidney affected by CKD cannot function normally as once did hence causing
health complications to the infected individual. A failed kidney cannot effectively remove the
hazardous wastes from the human blood system and therefore a critical health condition to many
millions of people affected by the CKD disease in Miami ("About Chronic Kidney Disease",
2018). The severity of affection by the CKD disease varies depending on stages of the affection.
The severity may be mild in older people and may or may not result in a consequent kidney
failure. CKD patients may develop other health problems due to the inefficient excretion process
by the CKD affected kidney. Heart disease and stroke are the most expected diseases affecting
the CKD patients even at mild and moderate stages of affection that doesn’t depict any kidney
related problems in an individual (Levey and Coresh, 2012). The latter calls for the need to
diagnose the CKD disease at the mild stage to reduce the risk of other secondary infection like
heart disease and stroke. Treatment reduces the progression of CKD disease to an advanced
stage, therefore, reducing the risk of the opportunistic diseases.
The kidney related infection has been on an increase for the past few decades. Science
and healthcare discoveries are however lagging behind to effectively counter the complicated
diseases affecting human kidney; including CKD. Many hospitals in the world and more
specifically Miami sate of the US have reported many cases of kidney complexions (Levey and
Coresh, 2012). CKD is one of the most reported diseases in the reports treatment cases.
However, other kidney diseases including Acute tubular necrosis, acute labour Nephronia,
Acetaminophen-induced Nephrotoxicity, Nephropathic Cystinosis, acute kidney failure are also
reported concurrently ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). Kidneys are very important
organs in the human body. CKD cases in Miami have increased with the increasing globally
reported infection cases Kidneys affected by CKD risks the individual's health as there is a high
likelihood of chemical imbalance in the body. Moreover, kidneys produce red blood cells hence
a kidney infection like CKD leads to reduced red blood cells in the body. Arguably, many
patients diagnosed with high blood pressure and poor bone metabolism have kidney disease
which may include CKD (Chang et al. 2016). The latter therefore justifies the need for better
diagnostic methods for CKD on early stages before the condition gets out of hand.
CKD has five major stages (Levey and Coresh, 2012). The disease starts with a kidney
damage that has no major effect on the functioning of the kidney and therefore an individual with
a kidney problem at this stage cannot notice it without a medical diagnosis. This marks the first
stage of CFD whereby the kidney marks a GFR of 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and above (Levey et
al. 2011). The stage is persistent for the first three months of infection. The second stage of the
CKD is persistent for three months after the first stage. This stage is characterized by a GFR of
60-89 mL/min per 1.73 m2; which is lower than that of the first stage. Arguably, the kidney has a
reduced loss of functionality and marks the first significant step of kidney damage (Levey and
Coresh, 2012). The third stage of the CKD is a mild-to-severe decline in the kidney functionality
characterized by the accumulation of salts and other impurities in the blood. At this stage, the
patient records as low as 0-59 mL/min per 1.73 m
GFR. The fourth stage marks the beginning
of advanced kidney failure with a GFR between “15-29 mL/min per 1.73 m
("About Chronic
Kidney Disease", 2018). A kidney at this stage cannot perform the intended function well as the
figure shows five times decline from normal functionality rate. The last stage, the fifth stage of
CKD infection is a very severe depicting a GFR below “15 mL/min per 1.73 m
(Levey et al.
2011). The rate is too low to match the rate of production of body wastes and hence the patient is
in a critical health condition. The chances of survival of an individual in this stage of kidney
infection purely depend on dialysis or a successful kidney transplant.
Problem statement.
Miami is one of the counties in Florida State. The county has reported quite a large
number of CKD infections cases. Statistics show that US has approximately 26 million CKD
infected adults; a number that could be even higher as many citizens are not tested for the latter
(Levey et al. 2011). With such a statistic, it calls for the need to address this serious health issue.
CKD is a silent disease, that has resulted in many deaths in the US and Miami in particular.
Research has it that more than 14% of the general US population is infected by the (Levey and
Coresh, 2012). Besides, more than 661,000 individuals in the US have reported cases of kidney
failure, resulting from CKD and other kidney diseases. Moreover, approximately, 468,000 are
currently undergoing dialysis process. According to statistics, approximately 193,000 have
undergone kidney transplants and the kidneys are working as for now (Onuigbo, 2013). CKD has
been termed as a silent killer because 0it depicts no symptoms until an advanced stage. Many
people have the disease and it's developing to its advanced stage without noticing. According to
sources, the prevalence of CKD has increased by 2%; from 12% to 14% in as from 1988 to 2004
(Levey and Coresh, 2012). The statistics reveal that CKD is on increase and the latter is
endangering a healthy lifestyle in this century. Evidently, CKD kills more people every year in
the US than either prostrate or breast cancer; a static that is shocking revelations about the
unnoticed. According to sources, 2013 alone saw the deaths of more than 47000 Americans from
kidney diseases of which CKD is one of the more prevalent (Levey et al. 2011). The CKD
condition needs to be addressed to ensure a healthy population. The best way to address the CKD
issue is by establishing the causes of the disease and investing technologically and dietetically to
the menace.
Title of investigation
The research topic is “causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Miami.
Purpose of Investigation
It’s very critical to carrying out this research work to help save more lives from the CKD.
As quoted beforehand, thousands of American lives are lost every year to the silent disease.
Further, the cases of CKD reported for this decade are increasing and therefore the latter has
raised a global concern about the kidney disease killing more people than prostrate and breast
cancer ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). The purpose of this investigation is to establish
precisely the causes of the CKD on a selected population, Miami residents. Treatment of CKD is
very expensive hence a negative economic impact that requires addressing by the government as
well as an individual level. Establishment of the cause of CKD would help scientists in further
research on the best medication for the latter. The key formula for the eradication of every
disease in the world is simply doing advanced research on the latter and consequent discovery of
the right medical solution to the disease. Besides, the research into the matter would help the
Miami population as well as the globe to avoid the causative elements of the CKD. Statistically,
the treatment of CKD is financially strenuous to the family of the infected person. According to
sources, treatment of stage 2 CKD costs not less than $1700 annually (Levey et al. 2011).
Besides, CKD level 3 annual treatment bill would be as high as $3500 per year. The amount
increases tremendously for stage four CKD patient at an annual rate of $12700. The manpower
in the CKD patients goes to waste as the individuals are under long medication periods. It’s
therefore of a critical essence to establish the cause of the CKD in Miami and avoid its long-term
impacts on families and economy as well.
Questions of investigation
The research proposal investigates specific questions about CKD in Miami. The
questions of investigation include: -
What causes CKD in Miami?
Who are vulnerable to CKD infection in Miami population?
What are the causes of CKD in Miami?
There are a different cause of CKD infection in humans. Notably, the causes of CKD
bring about permanent damage to the kidneys interfering with the functionality of the latter
hence causing CKD (Levey et al. 2011). The main causes of CKD are; diabetes, ageing kidneys,
high blood pressure, glomerulonephritis and diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that results in high
sugar levels in the blood. The latter have been reported among the Miami population. A diabetic
patient has a strained kidney as the organ is overworked and therefore leads to the condition
leads to damage of blood vessels in the kidney ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). A
prolonged high blood sugar level leads to reduced functionality of the kidney. The latter explains
the reason as to why young Americans in Miami have been diagnosed with CKD. Quite a
number of Miami residents have a poor diet plan and therefore diseases like high blood sugar
levels and diabetics are common. High blood pressure has also been identified as a potential
cause of CKD. Excessively high blood pressure leads to weak blood vessels in the glomerulus.
Damage to the glomerulus leads to malfunctioning of the kidneys (Levey et al. 2011). There are
other conditions that may lead to CKD. Kidney disease infections including pyelonephritis and
polycystic kidney disease. Besides, hereditary kidney disease complexions may lead to CKD.
Glomerulonephritis has also been reported to be one of the conditions that lead CKD. A blocked
artery in the glomerulus may lead to damage to the vessel and consequent CKD condition. The
latter has been reported severally by medics in Miami.
Reports indicate that the cases of blocked arteries result from a poor lifestyle. Evidently,
one should practice a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly to make sure his or he has a good
blood flow in the body. Notably, thorough exercising makes someone to sweat; one of the
excretion processes that remove body wastes like excess water, salts among others form the body
via the skin pores (Levey et al. 2011). Sweating, therefore, helps the kidney in the excretion
function and therefore avoid straining the kidney. Investigations did mot the US population in
general, and Miami County, in particular, indicates that many people rarely do body exercises as
they are very busy in their daily work assignments. Besides, some people are very lazy especially
at an old age hence spend most of their free time in restaurants. Statistics has it that most food
prepared in restaurants is junky; which science has proved that it has impacts on individuals,
especially the elderly whose body metabolism has gone down. Additionally, processed food has
a lot of restorative chemicals which needs to be removed from the body faster. Such a condition
of excessive work on the kidneys can slowly lead to a permanent failure (Levey et al. 2011). An
individual with CKD on its early conditions and has a poor dietetic condition characterized by
excessive consumption of processed and junk food would reach the advanced CKD conditions
faster than normal. The latter is because the junk foods; with a lot of sugars accelerates the rate
of diabetic cells growth. Junk foods tremendously increase the blood sugar level in the body a
condition that gets out of control faster among the aged population on a general population
("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). The Miami people lifestyles are therefore
characterized by poor dietetic schedules and poor or no general body exercise a condition that
has led increased cases of diabetic patients in the county. As captured before, diabetic condition
is one of the major causes of CKD.
Who are vulnerable to CKD infection in Miami population?
According to research, anyone is vulnerable to CKD infection, at any age. The determinant
of an individual’s CKD condition is specifically dependent on the person’s kidney condition
("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). Notably, some individuals have genetic kidney
problems, which may include CKD. Medics have reported some cases of CKD in children and
young adults. Unhealthy eating habits is a common problem in the world with Miami included.
The latter can be attributed to the reported cases of CKD among children and young adults.
Medics have traced a common characteristic in the young adults diagnosed with CKD; which is
obesity, resulting from unhealthy lifestyle (Hall et al. 2015). Excessive weight gain is a menace
that cuts across every population bracket; the young, adults and elderly. Besides, excessive
weight gain has been associated with high blood pressure, also a condition leading to CKD.
Research indicates that there are three out of 10 people in the obese state in Miami. Obesity leads
to hypertension in that the individual has a high tubular reabsorption, imparting uncontrollably
high pressure on the natriuresis. The static narrows down to one of three adults, aged above 65
years diagnosing for CKD (Hall et al. 2015). As highlighted earlier, diabetics are the most
prevalent cause of CKD, therefore, any diabetic person, at any age, can be infected by CKD.
Literature Review
According to the publisher ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018), the causes of
chronic disease is simply hypertension and diabetes. The author reports that over 60% of all the
reported CKD causes in the world can be directly be attributed to “diabetic condition and
hypertension” (Chang et al. 2016). High blood sugar levels reportedly cause many problems in
the body including a failure of the heart, eyes problem, and continuous failure of the nervous
system and consequently kidney failure ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). A diabetic
condition leads to a “strenuous excretion process” by the kidney ("About Chronic Kidney
Disease", 2018). A diabetic condition results from high levels of blood sugar.The context About
Chronic Kidney Disease has it that there are two types of diabetics; " type 1 and type 2 (2018).
The diabetic condition results from a body disorder whereby the immune system destroys the
beta cells that are responsible for the production of insulin-producing of the pancreas. Type 1
diabetes is caused primarily by the immune system attack on the beta cells of the pancreas. On
the other hand, type two diabetics are caused by health-related conditions like a poor eating
habit. Besides, the type diabetes is also associated with genetic inheritance. Levey and Coresh
acknowledge that both types of diabetes can cause CKD (2012). Levey and Coresh further
elaborate that excessive body weight would lead to “insulin resistance” and diabetes hence
leading to CKD. Chang et al. define that obese individuals have a “high demand for insulin”
(2016). The high demand for the hormone leads to an overwork hence after a prolonged obesity
condition, the pancreas can no longer meet the demand for insulin leading to “increased blood
sugar level” (Hall et al, 2015). Research has it that some races are more genetically prone to
CKD than others. African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Alaska
Natives, Asian Americans, and American Indians are races with a genetic tendency to become
diabetic. About Chronic Kidney Disease associates obesity to diabetes which consequently
results in CKD (2018). CKD can, therefore, be linked to some races on basis of “genetic
inheritance” (Hall et al. 2015). The authors, therefore, are in agreement with the medics’
allegation that the causes of CKD in Miami are hypertension and diabetes.
Onuigbo (2013) has descending research on some aspects concerning CKD. For instance,
the statistics about the number of CKD in the US. The author estimates that around 30 million
Americans have been diagnosed with CKD as of 2008. Contrary to this, ("About Chronic Kidney
Disease", 2018) records that an estimated 26 million Americans have been living with CKD
according to report published by the author. Onuigbo offers an opposing statistic on the number
of the reported CKD patients. Besides, Levey and Coresh argue that most of the CKD cases
reported among patients can be directly attributed to genetic inheritance with the “poor health
habits” overshadowed (2012). The author further enlists the ethnic groups vulnerable to CKD
including Arica Americans, Hispanics, and Indian Americans among other minor races in the
US. Levey et al. works contradict the findings the About Chronic Kidney Disease findings that
anyone and everyone has an equal probability of getting infected by CKD “under presumed
similar conditions” ("About Chronic Kidney Disease", 2018). Levey et al, therefore, indicate
there is a possible myth or untrue finding of who is likely to be affected by CK. Moreover, Hall
et al. indicates that CDK infection is random in a “uniformly distributed population” and not,
therefore, a factor to racial definitions (2015). The later makes the distinct definitions for the
vulnerable population group hard to define as both writer offer contradicting findings. Causes of
CKD in Miami, therefore, can be attributed to no specific sources. Unimonously, the causes of
CKD in Miami are poor health habits leading to obesity, hypertension and diabetes (Hall et al.
2015). Additionally, there is scientific proof that genetics plays a vital role in CKD inheritance.
Besides, the facts brought forth by authors like Hall et al. cannot ignore in the establishment of
the facts about causes of CKD in Miami. Evidently, all the authors have a sense of truth about
causes of CKD there’re all of them should be considered in this research proposal.
Annotated Bibliography
About Chronic Kidney Disease. (2018). the National Kidney Foundation. Retrieved 15 April
2018, from
The context gives a detailed account of what CKD is, the causes and facts about the
disease. Besides, the publisher defines more about the symptoms and in a scientific
manner defines the glomerular filtrate rate. The article is very useful in the research about
the causes of CKD in Miami. The context illustrates, in a detailed description how the
kidney failure results from CKD. The article supports the research with facts about the
most likely causes of CKD in Miami and in a general perspective. The context is
therefore very critical in the proposed research as it illustrates crucial statistic data about
causes of CKD in Miami.
Hall, J. E., do Carmo, J. M., da Silva, A. A., Wang, Z., & Hall, M. E. (2015). Obesity-induced
hypertension: interaction of neurohumoral and renal mechanisms. Circulation research,
116(6), 991-1006.
The article explains obesity and its possibility to cause CKD. The articles give a detailed
account of the biology behind neurohumoral and renal mechanisms in the human kidney.
The context explains the risks of excessive weight gain in relation to the likelihood of
developing CKD. The author argues that excess body weight may lead to hypertension
and it accounts for 65% to 75% of high blood pressure cases. The article is an important
source of information for the research proposal as it highlights a number of CKD causes
which could be related to Miami population.
Levey, A. S., & Coresh, J. (2012). Chronic kidney disease. The Lancet, 379(9811), 165-180.
The context by Levey and Coresh addresses CKD in different dimensions including the
causes, methods of detection, prevalence, GFR scale for detecting CKD, dialysis and
transplantation of a kidney. The author authoritatively addresses CKD on a broad scale
which gives quantifiable information on the CKD and its effects on the patients. The
source is crucial in this research as it clearly defines different causes of CKD which can
be presumed to be the causes of CKD in Miami because the authors’ claims are backed
by scientific concepts.
Chang, Y., Ryu, S., Choi, Y., Zhang, Y., Cho, J., Kwon, M. J., ... & Yun, K. E. (2016).
Metabolically healthy obesity and development of chronic kidney disease: a cohort study.
Annals of internal medicine, 164(5), 305-312
The author is investigative about the biology behind the body BMI and its relationship to
the development of CKD condition of a healthy person. The context, unlike the others,
explores the likelihood of a healthy obese person to develop CKD as the latter is
categorically unexplored. The relevance of this source in this research proposal is that the
latter uses a verifiable scientific research method to establish a valid fact on the
probability that an obese and metabolically healthy person would develop CKD. The
article is very important in this context as it queries the possibility of an obese and
metabolically healthy personnel developing a CKD condition.
Onuigbo, M. A. (2013). The CKD enigma with misleading statistics and myths about CKD, and
conflicting ESRD and death rates in the literature: results of a 2008 US population-based
cross-sectional CKD outcomes analysis. Renal failure, 35(3), 338-343.
The article highlights the facts about CKD in the US, including statistics like the number
of infections and death rates. The context analysis the importance of screening patients
with no CKD signs to establish their CKD status. The article is a critique of the feasibility
of screening healthy people on CKD. The article is very relevant to this research as it
compares CKD staging paradigm to the normal screening of patients for CKD. Besides,
the context elaborates heterogeneity of CKD patients in a given population depicting the
opposing idea that CKD cases are predominantly genetically associative.
Levey, A. S., De Jong, P. E., Coresh, J., Nahas, M. E., Astor, B. C., Matsushita, K., ... &
Eckardt, K. U. (2011). The definition, classification, and prognosis of chronic kidney
disease: a KDIGO Controversies Conference report. Kidney international, 80(1), 17-28.
The context by Levey et al. illustrates scientific measures to determine CKD in the
human body. The article gives a correlative measure of glomerular filtrate rates for
individuals with kidney performance. The GFR is therefore used to rank the CKD patient
on stages. The article is very relevant to the research topic; it gives an alternative to
determination of CKD condition of an individual on an albumin-to-creatinine ratio.
Conclusively, the causes of CKD diabetes, hypertension resulting from obesity and
genetic inheritance. Besides, some lineages have the CKD condition which is a genetic problem.
Researchers relate poor eating habits to obesity, a phenomenon that contributes significantly to
CKD. High blood pressure and diabetes are reportedly the main causes of CKD with genetic
inheritance contributing a small percentage of the reported CKD cases. CKD infection cuts
across all population brackets; the young and the aged. The main causes of CKD among the
young individuals is inadequate body activity alongside poor dietetics leading obese condition.
On the other hand, CKD develops slowly in the aged people depending on their BMI and health
status of the individual. Miami is one of the counties in the US with many cases of CKD reported
from diagnostic tests. Additionally, there are notably a large number of people suffering from
CKD in the US, with Miami contributing to the national tally. Arguably, most of the causes of
CKD in a general population as diagnosed by medics are also the cause of CKD in Miami.
However, more research needs are carried out to establish the most probable statistic on the
number of individuals affected by CKD in Miami and US as a country. Besides, a further
research would reveal any other likely causes of CKD in Miami and help in treating the same.
About Chronic Kidney Disease. (2018). The National Kidney Foundation. Retrieved 15 April
2018, from
Hall, J. E., do Carmo, J. M., da Silva, A. A., Wang, Z., & Hall, M. E. (2015). Obesity-induced
hypertension: interaction of neurohumoral and renal mechanisms. Circulation
research, 116(6), 991-1006.
Levey, A. S., & Coresh, J. (2012). Chronic kidney disease. The lancet, 379(9811), 165-180.
Onuigbo, M. A. (2013). The CKD enigma with misleading statistics and myths about CKD, and
conflicting ESRD and death rates in the literature: results of a 2008 US population-based
cross-sectional CKD outcomes analysis. Renal failure, 35(3), 338-343.
Levey, A. S., De Jong, P. E., Coresh, J., Nahas, M. E., Astor, B. C., Matsushita, K., ... &
Eckardt, K. U. (2011). The definition, classification, and prognosis of chronic kidney
disease: a KDIGO Controversies Conference report. Kidney international, 80(1), 17-28.
Chang, Y., Ryu, S., Choi, Y., Zhang, Y., Cho, J., Kwon, M. J., ... & Yun, K. E. (2016).
Metabolically healthy obesity and development of chronic kidney disease: a cohort
study. Annals of internal medicine, 164(5), 305-312.

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