children is 5.1 and 6.1 between girls and boys, in this respect. Distinctly, the death rates are
substantial within the African continent. Considering the 100, 000 range, the death level among
young girls is 12.7, while 17.9 for boys. The mortality rates are further aggravated since in a
majority of countries, the death causes are hardly investigated (Children’s Bureau, 2017).
Abbasi et al. (2015) suggest that child maltreatment imposes lifelong effects on the young
ones. Some of the notable outcomes include unsatisfactory educational performances, mental
challenges, relation-ship difficulties, and work relations issues. Importantly, the authors reveal
that child abuses do not exist in home settings alone, but also in social set ups, such as schools,
community or other children catering centers. Abbasi et al. (2015) indicate that among the
mistreatments, 78.3% account to neglect, 8.1% to emotional abuse, while 9.2% and 17.6%
represent sexual and physical abuses, respectively.
Nonetheless, the scholars validate that the ill practices can be controlled by advancing
social awareness across families. Thus, the social workers, lobby groups, and nursing staffs can
propel occasional visits to assess and support the vulnerable groups. The advocators’ can
facilitate parental education, by describing proper child engagements, disciplinary, and nurturing
skills to eventuate healthy family connections (Abbasi et al., 2015). The initiative can be
executed at the pre-school, schooling, and focus groups to cultivate ethical parenthood and child
protection within communities.
Failing to advocate counseling, reconciliation, and other forms of social mediations can
necessitate dysfunctional behaviors and serious health conditions in their later years. As an
illustration, during war periods, most children are traumatized and displaced from their loved
ones, which alters their developmental processes, and can influence negative consequences.
Again, children who witness brutality in their younger ages can impact them into being violators