Christian theories and virtues

The atonement of sin is the supernatural act of love that God has given to all humanity,
individually, thereby providing the supernatural internal satisfaction to every person. It is a
personal agenda to everyone regardless of age or race. It is beyond just the atonement theories,
which dictates every individual to satisfactorily comprehend and embrace it, so as to attain the
supernatural comfort that has power beyond the ordinary therefore commanding the natural. John
6:63 records how this Supernatural power commands the natural. This study expounds how this
ability is attained and it was made possible to all humanity. Besides, it significantly defines the
lifestyle that the beneficiary needs to live so as to make his life successful. However, it points out
on the contradictory ideas and theories which are basically elemental but the atonement.
The value of life is deemed much important than the essence of just living the life itself. This
is to say that in the natural life that is on this earth, there is the supernatural ability that describes
the existence of life and everything on earth, such ability, and power that defines the standards of
everything that is done here on earth and powerfully yet with humility controls all things and acts
of all humanity and all things that exist in this life. Christianity ethics and values define this
supernatural control powers that basically exist in the people that embrace sobriety, which stands
out as the standard code of behavior and actions.
The interesting definition of this ability
empowerment is the realization of the fact that this power rewards the sober individuals that
embrace its leading yet so powerfully carries out disciplinary action and mandate on the
rebellious actions. The fact that there are standard clauses that stand out in the Christianity
regulations, it means that there are the expected procedures to the action taken which definitely
which define the motive that the person doing the very act had at the initial point of action.
Besides, in the very acts that are carried out, it very possible for someone to be with a positive
good motive but in the event of the act, he accidentally commits a wrong act. It is because of
these values of good works, the consequences of the acts themselves and the specific motive of
the action taken, all in comparison to the Christian ethical practices and values that necessitates
this study.
Atkinson, David J, and David H Field. 1995. New Dictionary Of Christian Ethics And Pastoral
Theology. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.
(Claar and Klay 2015)
The values of Christianity in life are distinct and basically are the best of nature, this means
that these values exist naturally. In other words, the goodness that is depicted in nature is the true
definition of the Christian values and the goodness of nature. It is the description of why these
values of Christianity are definitely good in the life of every living thing and therefore they ought
to be embraced by all people. Just as nature lives, so do the Christian values live and are not just
empty doctrines that are laid out to the leading of the Christians but they are active beliefs and
directions to successful living that save as well as enriches the partaker.
The basic knowledge
that is needed in the overall understanding of this powerful value of Christianity is the need to
acknowledge that the atonement of sin is needed obligatory to all human being so as to end the
overall suffering of humanity. The important part of it is the acknowledgment of the most vital
piece of the atonement which is personally to every individual upon their personal confession.
As part of the alternate theories in the Christianity values and ethics is the basic theory that
brings out the vital knowledge of atonement of all the sins of the people here on the earth. The
sins of all humanity are the reason of the different suffering of the people here on earth such that
they all need to be forgiven of their wrong acts. The dying of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross
has brought the atonement of the sins that all humanity has done. However, there is the
forgiveness of the sins upon the confession of the Lord Jesus as Lord. Within the atonement,
there is the moral influence theory which fathoms upon moral values in Christianity. The theory
propagates the importance of holding the moral values in nature and explains the origin of the
moral values (Lefkowitz 2017). Within the moral values, all people are thereby needed to act
Foss, Nicolai J, and Christian Knudsen. 2013. Towards A Competence Theory Of The Firm.
Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
Fleming, James E, and Linda C McClain. 2013. Ordered Liberty. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.
valuable and morally upright, values that The Lord Jesus Christ delegated on the people here on
earth instilling the values in the lives of people through the different many teachings that he gave
people. HE also installed the moral values through the starting of the churches which he planted
many churches and gave out moral definitions. He also instilled people to embrace the power of
martyrdom in their consequent spread of these values.
There is also the ransom theory in which He brings pout the desire for all people to be saved
from the life of torment and suffering.
Within this theory, He explains and portrays the desire
that all humanity should turn away from the suffering through the ransom of their sin, an act that
would enable humanity to change and turn their lives from the suffering nature of evil and the
slavery of Satan. He does this through the giving of His own life through the death which He
does on the cross. There is also the satisfaction theory in which He portrays the impact of sin
which cannot be satisfied by anybody and in no way but only God Himself can take it away.
Within this theory, He shows the need that He had for all humanity to be justified from sin that
He died on the cross for the sake of all human beings. In this explanation, He calls upon all the
people to turn to the power of the cross and be forgiven and satisfied of all their wrongdoings.
Within the Christian values and principles of ethics, actions are the key points of decisions
and the judgments made. It is what someone has done that affirms of his willful behavior and act
to be called either right or wrong.
The act that is done by someone could be called a wrong act
Fleming, James E, and Linda C McClain. 2013. Ordered Liberty. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.
Suckau, Krishana Oxenford. 2011. Christian Witness On The Plateau Vivarais-Lignon.
Johnsen, Christian Garmann. 2015. "Authenticating The Leader: Why Bill George Believes
That A Moral Compass Would Have Kept Jeffrey Skilling Out Of Jail". Journal Of Business
Ethics. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2968-7.
Olson-Buchanan, Julie B, Laura L. Koppes Bryan, and Lori Foster Thompson. 2014. Using
Industrial Organizational Psychology For The Greater Good. London: Routledge Academic.
and be sinful or be a righteous act and the person is rewarded for doing what is right and lawful.
The different actions that the person does could have been done with a good intention and willful
desire to save a person from a fall. However, the good intention could so easily accidentally end
up in an act and therefore being called a sin. It is upon these different acts in the life of humanity
that have necessitated the need to observe the different theories that explain concerning the
action is done by a person. Utilitarianism theory explores the different observations that come
along with the acts done by a person.
Besides, it points out on the need to hold an overview
beyond the individual level by which it observes humanity at a larger level. The theory points out
that whatever thing that someone has done that is good, then it as to largely make something that
is great and extremely good touching a greater number of people so that it would qualify to be
good. This is an act that explains as to why all in all there has to be good right from the
beginning of the act for it to be called good and even prudent.
It means that in case there is any
faultiness in the act done then it would not be regarded as to be a good act.
The utilitarianism theory also focuses on the different economic value and importance that an
act holds in the eventual behavior.
In this act, the theory states out that there must be the overall
economic implication that is beneficial in the life of humanity as a whole.
This value explains
as to why it is important to observe the welfare of the human beings in regard to the economic
values. The theory explains why it is important to observe the different behavior of the human
beings in relation to the economic values. In this explanation, the economic value is more
De La Torre, Miguel A. 2014. Doing Christian Ethics From The Margins. Orbis Books.
Chesterley, Nicholas. 2015. "Virtue And Vice: Developing Character Through
Decisionmaking". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2567198.
cklinsberg, Helena, and Per Sandin. n.d. The Ethics Of Consumption.
Reamer, Frederic G. 2013. Social Work Values And Ethics. New York: Columbia University
important in the lives of humanity than how wrong or right the action itself is.
It insists that the
expenses made on the acts of life are more wasteful than if the much spent would be spent on
humanity. The theory explains as to why it is important to scrutinize different acts that could take
much spending for the economic empowerment than would the very same amount be given to
(Wadell et al. 2016).
The deontological theory, on the other hand, looks at the action done in respect to the
consequences of the action. The theory analyses the different actions and the reasons for the
action as they name them as the most important of it. The talks about the motive of doing the
action but not the act itself is the much concerned of in this theory. In this theory, it is believed
that there cannot be a good consequence in an action that is meant to be done wrongly. The
theory, therefore, believes that if a person has an intention of doing something that is morally
upright, then he would act right from the intentional goodness. It says that a person who has done
something that is right could have had a bad intention and just accidentally resulted into the
goodness. Similarly, he believes that someone with a right and good motive could also end up
doing something that is wrong and bad.
That is why he insists that there must be the right
intention and motive all the way right from the initial level. It believes that the acts that the
person could have done should be the kind of actions that resulted from a series of good actions
from the very person. It, therefore, means that it is possible to have someone who would have
been doing good things to do a good act again that it is possible to have the good acts done by a
person who is consistently doing wrong actions.
Simmons, Frederick V. n.d. Love And Christian Ethics.
Aaken, Anne van, and Christian List. n.d. Deliberation And Decision: Economics,
Constitutional Theory And Deliberative Democracy.
Nunes, Ann. 2012. Christian Moral Life. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press.
The Christian ethical behaviors are the individual behaviors of a person that tend to define the
behaviors of an individual. They are the commonly called as the human resourceful actions that
would lead to the repeated actions and thereby result in the behavior of the person.
They are the
traits that lead to the way of the patterns of thinking of a person repeatedly. This means that
Christian virtues are not only determined by the actions but they are also told from the mentality
and the way of thinking that a person has. This, therefore, touches on the different rules and
regulations that a person has which are not regarded as laws that govern him but instead they are
actually procedures of doing his different actions. Christian ethics are further divided into the
cardinal and theological actions in which the Cardinals are four while the theological actions are
three. The cardinal virtues include justice, self-control, courage, and prudence which is the
ability of a person to make and do good actions.
These are basically acts that are related to the
physical living, the flesh. While the theological virtues are the faith which is the anchor of
Christianity, hope which is the ability to be expectant in spite of possible negative circumstances
and love which is the supernatural virtue and ability to love God and our neighbors as much as
one could be self-loving. These theological virtues are the spiritual virtues that determine the
spiritual direction of a person which is the determinant of how deep someone could get in the
things of God. As recorded in the Bible in the chapters 1, 5,16, and 26 of the book of Romans,
they are the true anchors of the spiritual being of a person which determines the divine control
and leadership of God in the life of the person.
Luomanen, Petri, Anne Birgitta Pessi, and Ilkka Pyysia
inen. n.d. Christianity And The Roots
Of Morality.
White, Peter, and Samuel K. Afrane. 2017. "Maintaining Christian Virtues And Ethos In
Christian Universities In Ghana: The Reality, Challenges And The Way Forward". HTS
Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 73 (3). doi:10.4102/hts.v73i3.4442.
Atkinson, David J, and David H Field. 1995. New Dictionary Of Christian Ethics And
Pastoral Theology. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.
The different theories especially the deontological theory is the common direction provider in
which a person would weigh his intention to have done something instead of the possible
negative or even positive outcome. If someone was under attack by an enemy and in the event of
the struggle the victim defeats the assailant and even beats him up severely, then the eventual act
would not be opted wrong on the victim. This is to say that, the victim who was under the attack
in the event of trying to rescue him from the attack harms his pursuer then he would not be said
to have committed a crime. This would neither be charged with him in the event that the victim
would have even suffered a major loss.
The reason that would make the victim to be imputed of
his actions from the episode is the motive that he would have had of simply finding a way of
rescuing himself from the attack. If this person would not have been attacked, then he would not
have had had any intention of attacking his assailant. This is a very ethical act that is would be
full of virtuous direction in which the person doing the act of attack was intending to steal from
this person but instead, he was overcome and defeated. However, in the Christian virtues and
ethics, the best resolution of the matter would be for this victim who eventually won the battle to
simply forgive his attacker and let go. Forgiveness which is an act of love is expected to be
portrayed fully and outwardly in every way in the life of a Christian.
He, therefore, would
simply forgive the person who would make that person be sorry for his wrong acts and because
of the kindness he is shown, he would turn from being a wrong person to being fully a good
intended person. The Christian virtues are basically meant to make those people that do not know
God and do not follow the teachings of Christ to turn from their ways that could be wrong and
follow Christ Jesus, in doing good acts which are expected of all those that obey Christ.
Atkinson, David J, and David H Field. 1995. New Dictionary Of Christian Ethics And
Pastoral Theology. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.
Nunes, Ann. 2012. Christian Moral Life. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press.
Aaken, Anne van, and Christian List. n.d. Deliberation And Decision: Economics, Constitutional
Theory And Deliberative Democracy.
Atkinson, David J, and David H Field. 1995. New Dictionary Of Christian Ethics And Pastoral
Theology. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press.
Chesterley, Nicholas. 2015. "Virtue And Vice: Developing Character Through
Decisionmaking". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2567198.
Claar, Victor V, and Robin J Klay. 2015. Economics In Christian Perspective. Downers Grove:
InterVarsity Press.
De La Torre, Miguel A. 2014. Doing Christian Ethics From The Margins. Orbis Books.
Fleming, James E, and Linda C McClain. 2013. Ordered Liberty. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.
Foss, Nicolai J, and Christian Knudsen. 2013. Towards A Competence Theory Of The Firm.
Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
Johnsen, Christian Garmann. 2015. "Authenticating The Leader: Why Bill George Believes That
A Moral Compass Would Have Kept Jeffrey Skilling Out Of Jail". Journal Of Business
Ethics. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2968-7.
Luomanen, Petri, Anne Birgitta Pessi, and Ilkka Pyysia
inen. n.d. Christianity And The Roots Of
Nunes, Ann. 2012. Christian Moral Life. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press.
Olson-Buchanan, Julie B, Laura L. Koppes Bryan, and Lori Foster Thompson. 2014. Using
Industrial Organizational Psychology For The Greater Good. London: Routledge
Reamer, Frederic G. 2013. Social Work Values And Ethics. New York: Columbia University
cklinsberg, Helena, and Per Sandin. n.d. The Ethics Of Consumption.
Simmons, Frederick V. n.d. Love And Christian Ethics.
Smith, Christian. 2014. Disruptive Religion. Florence: Taylor and Francis.
Suckau, Krishana Oxenford. 2011. Christian Witness On The Plateau Vivarais-Lignon.
White, Peter, and Samuel K. Afrane. 2017. "Maintaining Christian Virtues And Ethos In
Christian Universities In Ghana: The Reality, Challenges And The Way Forward". HTS
Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 73 (3). doi:10.4102/hts.v73i3.4442.

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