The major stakeholders in the project include IT analysts from Cloud Connections,
Inc., the executives of the Grayson Healthcare Partners LLC, the employees of Grayson
Healthcare Partners LLC responsible with server management and maintenance, information
representative at the hospital consortium, all the heads and the representatives from the
satellite medical offices in Arizona, India, California, Missouri, Smith and Johns Hospitals
and Florida. They need to be part of the address on the supposed changes that ought to be
made and help in the decision-making process. Additionally, the hospital customers,
inventory suppliers and the regulators in the healthcare system needs be informed of the
system changes that will take place. Grayson Healthcare Partners LLC executives are
responding to evaluating and approving the funds for the project. Cloud Connections, Inc. IT
specialists, as well as information technology employees, are responsible for preparing the
implementation plan. Other stakeholders will help in the decision-making process that would
ratify both the plan and the funding for the project as well as deliver upon how the project
will be executed and how long the process should take place.
Service Level Agreements (SLA)
The SLAs are the agreements between Grayson Healthcare Partners LLC and the
Cloud Connections, Inc. about the service quality of Grayson Cloud technology, the
responsibility of the two entities and the all the other stakeholders based on activity location
as well as priorities. The service quality encompasses he versioning of the Grayson Cloud
technology, time-out, response time, access as well as statefulness. SLAs are put in place to
enhance the quality of the service offered and, therefore, customer satisfaction, improve
service quality as well as improve the relationship between the parties. The SLAs differ
depending size of the service to be offered and the company offering and benefiting from the
service. Additionally, it covers the service responsiveness, support agreements, system
uptime and data durability. The two parties, Grayson Healthcare Partners LLC and the Cloud