Club Drugs and Inhalants 7
Banken (2014) club drugs cause alteration in mind of a person causing him or her to feel the
things that doesn't exist in the immediate environment. For instance, a person hears voices which
compels him or her to take certain actions, feels the food has the strange smell, see things that do
not exist in the environment as well as feels things like a doctor treating him or her.
Hallucinations places at a person at danger of taking certain dangerous actions and malicious
intent that can affect people around.
Clubs drugs, in most situations, causes that body to experience high levels of energy
which motives aggressive behaviors. Notably, some of the club drugs such as GHB lower body
temperature. Clubs drugs compel blood vessel to undergo dilation processes resulting in the
voluminous amount of energy. Abadinsky (2010) a person feels that he or she has a lot of energy
which gives the confidence to embrace aggressive behaviors such as fighting and lifting weighty
materials. Also, increased power causes a person to experience high rates of perspiration. Thus
body dehydration can quickly follow.
Other effects of clubs drugs encompass nausea, vomiting, tremors, blurred visions,
impaired judgment, and increased rate of the heartbeat as well as raised or lowered blood
pressure. In summary, the study has failed to locate any benefits of using club drugs apart from
limited used in the field of medicine and, therefore, club drugs ought to be criminalized. The
research also found out that the greatest danger of using club drugs relates to addiction, road
accidents, and rape cases and, in extreme, massacre.
Popularization of Inhalants