Since caffeine is highly soluble in water, it and odorless, it is suitably used in the soft drinks.
However, it has a bitter taste, hence it is used in small concentrations. Moreover, sugar and other
flavors are used to lower the bitterness of caffeine.
Why it is used in the product
The metabolism of caffeine occurs in the liver where it is converted to three products;
paraxanthine, theobromine, and theophylline. The half-life of caffeine is approximately 5-6
hours. The substance is used in the drinks to bring about the Alertness as well as awareness. The
compound blocks the receptors of adenosine in the blood hence lowering the brain signals that
alert the body to sleep or slow down its activities. Moreover, caffeine brings about positivity in
the mind by increasing the levels of dopamine. Therefore, the Coca-Cola drinks are associated
with motivation as well as productivity (Caffeine Informer, 2016).
Other Interesting fun facts/ safety concerns
If one is used to taking a coke when it gets hot, it becomes hard to do without it.
Therefore, the Coca-Cola drinks have a sense of addiction attributable to the caffeine ingredient.
Caffeine also increases the blood pressure. The Coca-Cola drinks are not recommended for
people with hypertension because the caffeine in them increases the release of the stress
hormones (Caffeine Informer, 2016).