written (Table 1). This indicates that participants did pay attention to the actual colour of the
ink in which the anagram instructions were written in their respective questionnaires.
Another Chi-square test was used to check warning manipulation, with warning
message (warning vs. no warning) as independent variable and whether participants recalled
they were given warning message or not as dependent variable. There was a significant
effect, χ2 (1) = 225.456, p < .001. Participants in the warning condition (95.6%) and no
warning conditions (97.6%) correctly recalled the presence of warning message (Table 1).
This indicates that participants noticed the manipulation of warning.
The first 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA was analyzed, with ink colour (red vs. green) and
warning message (present or absent) as independent variables and anagram performance as
dependent variable. There was a significant main effect of warning message on the number of
anagrams solved, F (1, 209) = 149.485, p < .001. Participants who received a warning
message (M = 9.201, SD = 1.368) did significantly worse on the anagram than those who did
not get the warning message (M = 12.100, SD = 1.962). There was a significant main effect
of ink colour on the number of anagrams solved, F (1, 209) = 30.709, p < .001. Participants
who received red instructions (M = 9.825, SD = 1.705) performed significantly worse on the
anagram task than those who got green instructions (M = 11.490, SD = 2.368). The
interaction effect between two independent variables (ink colour and warning) on anagram
performance was also analyzed. There was no significant interaction between warning
message and colour of instructions on anagram performance, F (1, 209) = 3.296, p = .071
(Table 2). The second 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA was analyzed, with ink colour (red vs. green)
of instructions and warning message (present or absent) as independent variables and
anagram recall as dependent variable. Results demonstrated that there was a significant main
effect of warning message on the number of anagrams recalled, F (1, 209) = 26.145, p < .001.