The idea of establishing the community building session is a program that will mark a
historical event in the lives and socio-economic standards of the many communities that we live
in. The idea of community building session is an integrated plan for the community as the
Nominal Technique group, totalling up to about 10 members, and a numerous involvement of
other stakeholders, such as the Governments, The Local Management Authority and the Locals
groups in the communities (McLaughlin, 2011).
The test for the idea is based on the interests of the persons in the communities with the
concept and idea of the problems that face. The program is foreseen with an integrated
management and a wide scope of stakeholders. As a project manager, I keep the ball rolling for
the actual betterment of the project and for mutual benefits of the surrounding societies, in regard
to my effort to mobilize and solicit for resources and funds for the sustainability of the project in
capacity building process
The Problem that Led to the Establishment of the program
The members of the community have for a long time suffered through a scarce of water
resources and other problems to meet their daily needs and to develop on their agendas in their
priorities as a community. The problem of water scarcity has been caused by poor methods of
water harvesting and water management, and therefore this program is aimed at mobilizing
resources over dam construction to meet the needs of the community at large.
The objectives of the program
1. To identify resource mobilization strategy to be used by the program