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The Odyssey story focuses on three characters; Telemachus, Odysseus and Penelope
(Homer. and Fagles). However, it only follows Odysseus as the main character. “O Brother,
Where Art Thou?” on the other hand has three central characters McGill, Hogwallop and
O’Donnel that are always together in most of the instances. It also follows one main character
McGill. However, the two has got a difference in the depiction of the important characters. The
characters are presented to have varying histories and stories. For instance, Odysseus is a noble
guy who lives and owns a large property that is used to support his in-laws. He is such a
respected person with his name being well known as a result of his social status that is quite
high. On the contrary, the three central characters in O Brother are criminals. Their possessions
are just equal to those of the average person. That is even better before they are put in prison
where it deteriorates. They are known for their disobedience to the law in addition to being
escaped criminals. While Odysseus is well known for the good deeds the three are known for
their bad deeds.
The two stories have got extensive similarities as well. To begin with, both tales’ main
characters are following the theme of nostos, which is the dire need to return home. In “The
Odyssey”, Odysseus battles with monsters and gods not to forget visiting Hades all in an attempt
to return to his family. McGill, on the other hand convinces his other two friends to break out of
jail so that he can to return to his family (Coen, Coen and Homer.). Moreover, the two stories
begin with the heroes being in captivity. Odysseus is in captivity on a certain Island with
Calypso. Similarly, the three in O Brother are in jail. However, both are later able to escape
captivity by application of different means.
Even though it is at the opposing ends, Odysseus, McGill, Hogwallop, and O’Donnell
are seen ending up floating on driftwood as a result of the violent waters. The waters are