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Compassion Fatigue
Therapists and oncologists could have compassion fatigue besides the first
responders. Compassion fatigue is often characterized by irritability, anger, negative
coping mechanisms, increased absenteeism and a diminished sense of satisfaction and
enjoyment. This is brought as a result of overexposure to traumatic material for
instance the direct contact with victims especially in the event that the exposure is of a
graphic nature.
Therapist and oncologist have a high risk of developing compassion fatigue.
This could lead to worse conditions like anxiety and depression and even worse
conditions like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These resulting conditions are often
known to increase psychological injury claims, sickness absence, job turnover and
negatively impacting productivity.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is often a compassion fatigue that is brought
by the exposure of an oncologist to certain cancer situations that could be of a graphic
nature. This leads to oncologist being left in a traumatic condition where they exhibit
certain characteristics that are associated with PTSD.
` A therapist exhibits compassion disorder in the form of absenteeism in the
workplace. This could be a result of wanting to stay away from the work environment
as a result of the situations at the workplace. This is often brought by instances of too
much handle by a therapist and they could feel they do not have sufficient power to
effect change through counselling.