potentially cause misleading results. The last question was asking the participants to list any
allergies that may have to beverages. This is a safety measure to ensure participants are not put in
danger due to health complications. Every person who took the survey was asked to leave at least
two forms of communication. This can include a phone number, email, as well as social media.
The researcher gave out approximately 50 surveys. The researcher concluded that there
were only 6 participants needed for this experiment. After reviewing all applicants, the researcher
marked the qualified participants. The researcher contacted these participants to clarify a time of
mutual benefit in which the experiment can be conducted. The researcher understood the likely
possibility that not all participants would be able or willing to follow through with the experiment.
Once the potential participants are contacted and confirmed, the researcher picked the six that were
most qualified. These six participants were asked to sign an additional waiver aside from the initial
survey to ensure that the researcher will not be held responsible for any effects caused by the
experiment. The researcher explained that the levels of caffeine are highly unlikely to cause harm,
but these formalities are still possible and extra-legal measures are necessary.
The experiment was conducted in a lab setting. It took place in The Math Zone across from
the library at the University of Southern Mississippi. For superior results, the researcher scheduled
the experiment in the evening: 8 pm to 10 am. There were two different rooms in which the
experiment took place. The first room contained the caffeine to be consumed by the experimental
group as well as the water to be consumed by the control group. The participants in the
experimental group were asked to consume 16 oz. Can of Monster Energy, which contains 160 mg
of caffeine. The control group were requested to drink 16 oz — a bottle of Perrier carbonated
water, which contained 0 mg of caffeine. The second room contained the sleeping arrangements